ForumsProgramming ForumSome questions about programming

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Okay, so I'm a noob when it comes to programming. With that said, I obviously have a few questions, and if any of you programmers could answer them I would be thankful.

So; question number 1: How long does it take to learn some version of AS good anough to make a game like Chibi Knight?(It's on the front page right now, but here's the direct link to it:

Question number 2: Is there any way to learn AS for free? And if so, how?

Question number 3: Are there any major differences between the different AS versions?

That's it for now, but I might have some more questions later. I'm a pixel artist, so I have the in-game graphics under control, I'm just interested in coding/programming.

Thanks in advance.

  • 16 Replies
475 posts

1. A LONGGGGGGGGG TIME, if you don't know anything AS.

2. Yes, you can use outer programs, but they might not be as good as Flash.

3. Not really as far as the result, however AS3 can do more things, faster.

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