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Hi, this is Moat. I decided to make a new RPG, because, why not?
Now, this game is very simple. Your job is to survive and escape from whatever wilderness you've become lost in. Your scenario will be presented when you join up.

Health*: A
You have 15 points. Erase this after reading.
Time Spent:

*-Health is categorized as follows:
A) Completely healthy.
B) Suffering from lack of something, most commonly water, sleep, or food.
C) Disease/Parasite.
D) Physical Injury.
Seriousness of health problem is as follows:
I: Moderate, slightly lowering attributes, slowing your reflexes, and you will need to rest more often.
II: Serious, all above symptoms but worse. Sometimes inable to get up, and effects of Type C will start(for example, vomiting), as well as serious blood loss in case of Type D.
III: Life-Threatening. It needs to be taken care of soon, or you will die.
This system was created by myself and Choazmachine, some credit goes to him.

**What you're good at. Anything reasonable, for example construction would grant you extra skill in building items and shelters.

***-Pick three reasonable items that you would like to take with you. You will gain more as the game goes on.

****-Your location. You can choose where you would like to be(as long as it's reasonable), but you must provide a link to it. If you would like, you can have me pick your location.

Be forewarned, this will be realistic. So, those of you who want to do well, do your research.
I will accept as many people as want to join, but it is likely that I will halt submissions after a few people join.
Go ahead, and good luck.

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