I am trying to develop a new method for NPC targeting, and I was wondering if anyone already had any good systems of doing so that works.
So far I have like this lame detection mc that radiates from the NPC's center, and the first object it hits makes the detecter shutdown and a new mc called the targeter lock onto that new targets x and y. This seems like a real inneffiecient way of doing things and I was wondering if anyone knew a better way. thanks for the help =D
Well one thing that might work for you that has worked for me would be to make an onEnterframe statement that checks the object-to-be-detected's x and y values, and if the distance between these two objects is a certain value then you make your action, this might sound confusing, but it is fairly simple, I'll post some example code:
(I'm posting this as a function because I like functions but you could also do it as an onClipEvent(enterFrame) if that is easier)
NPC.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.diffx = (this._x)-(_root.Player._x);
this.diffy = (this._y)-(_root.Player._y);
//These vars are getting the distance between the NPC and the Player
if (this.diffy<=100 && this.diffy>=-100 && this.diffx<=100 && this.diffx>=-100){
//This code here will be what happens if the Player is within 100 pixels of the NPC