ForumsProgramming ForumCollab anyone?

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I'm not sure if this is the place on AG to organize collabs, or if I'm the person to be organizing it, but I'll give it a try (I've done this before with animation- it was a big success). Anyways, this is going to be called the "Marathon Collab" in the sense that games will be one after another. This is intended for beginning Flash programmers and will most likely not make it onto this site (although there are lots of other portal that will take it).

- Symbols MUST be named like this: name_gamenumber*_symbolname
*if you choose to make multiple games.
- The whole game must be put into one movieclip with the symbol name "MASTER"
- The the master movieclip must be put onto a keyframe labeled name_gamenumber
- When you e-mail me your piece, explain the game and tell me how to edit it to fit it into the rest of the game.
- The the master movieclip must be put onto a keyframe labeled name_gamenumber
- 550 x 400, 24 FPS, AS2, and Flash 8 compatable (for those with CS4: Save as CS3, and I will find someone with CS3 to make it compatible).
- Must have a title screen with instructions. Feel free to arrange it however you want.
- Mini-games only
- MUST be playable and follow all above rules. Anything else (except for that CS4 problem) will be rejected.

I need another programmer that has CS3 to help me with this. You will get author creds.

I will keep and update a list of authors and game numbers in this thread, so you know how to make the transitions (or whatever). Reply for even more specifics on the rules. IF YOU'RE NOT IN THIS THREAD, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN ACCEPTED.

Note to mods: If this thread violates any rules, just delete it.
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