Okay! This is a forum game, there is no website. In this game, all players are part of one pack at the start. First fill out this form and post it. FYI... YOU ARE A WOLF!
Name: Colour: Gender: Family Tree (optional): Fur length (short, medium, or long): Story (optional):
Now, here are the rules of the game:
1. If you are a male, you can post a request to start a new pack. This can only be done in the mating season (Second half of the month.), and you need to fill in and post this form: Name of pack: Goals (aggressive, friendly, neutral.): Alpha Male: Alpha Female:
2. The alpha male decides certain aspects of the pack, such as: When to launch a pack hunt and when to move to a new location.
3. If the alpha male/female decides not to be it anymore, they can pass on the role to another pack member.
4. If you have a cub, you can post events such as it learning to hunt, and can control it.
5. DO NOT SWEAR. Who knows what could happen?
6. Don't post yourself as a wolf who is succesful all the time, add a little variety.
That's pretty much it. Don't worry about forgetting when the mating season is, I will announce it in the forum.
Lol damnit now how did he die exactly a little creature with a long shiny stick? Can't be a human they would be bigger than a wolf so not classified as small, and what's the long black shiny stick.
New character:
Name:Blaze Color:Black and red like a fireball Gender:Female Fur Length:Short Family Tree:None Family Members:None Story: Family was captured with humans but Blaze got away, ever since then I've been solitary, slim, lean, fast, elagant, agile, swift, cunning, cold blooded, basicly and alpha female.
Lol ****it now how did he die exactly a little creature with a long shiny stick? Can't be a human they would be bigger than a wolf so not classified as small, and what's the long black shiny stick.
-Hunters crouch for accuracy and camouflage. Therefore they would seem small. -A gun. I hate to do this to your thread, Krystal, but you've already done it yourself, so I have little to no regret. I'M NOT BLIND, LOOK WHO'S TALKING. I REPLIED ON PAGE 12!!@!@!!@!!! Ah...it feels good to be a newby five year old again. Sorry, I just had to do that.
I don't understand how a human is short when there bigger than wolves, and a long black shiny stick, how is a stick a gun lol?, I don't mind restarting I didn't like my other story, and didn't want to change it.
Knew it was a bad choice even as I clicked submit lol.
THIS....IS MAH BOOMSTICK!!!! *shakes "boomstick"*. 12-GAUGE COBALT SHOTGUN, BOUGHT AT S-MART! SMART PRICES AT S-MART! I'm sorry, I just had to do an Ash impression. You totally left yourself open for that one dude. The Ultimate Wolf RPG...where I can be a caps-locking noob again...
Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my boomstick! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that?
-Officially the greatest gun quote of all time.
Anyway...not to be rude, Krystal, but are you forgetting someone? *cough* Straight Moat: He means himself. Moat: Nope. Maybe. Yes, okay, yes. Gay Moat: Aren't you the one who alwayth thayth that'th annoying? Moat: Well, yeth...I mean, yes(dam-*remembers rules*, er, dangit, your lithp is rubbing off on me. I mean lisp! Whose cruel idea was it to put an "s" in "lisp" anyway?), but nobody else says that. Mind-Moat: Are you going to try and get a patent on that too? *sarcasm* Moat: No... Mind-Moat: Gah! *points at asterisk'd sarcasm* Moat: Oops.