Okay! This is a forum game, there is no website. In this game, all players are part of one pack at the start. First fill out this form and post it. FYI... YOU ARE A WOLF!
Name: Colour: Gender: Family Tree (optional): Fur length (short, medium, or long): Story (optional):
Now, here are the rules of the game:
1. If you are a male, you can post a request to start a new pack. This can only be done in the mating season (Second half of the month.), and you need to fill in and post this form: Name of pack: Goals (aggressive, friendly, neutral.): Alpha Male: Alpha Female:
2. The alpha male decides certain aspects of the pack, such as: When to launch a pack hunt and when to move to a new location.
3. If the alpha male/female decides not to be it anymore, they can pass on the role to another pack member.
4. If you have a cub, you can post events such as it learning to hunt, and can control it.
5. DO NOT SWEAR. Who knows what could happen?
6. Don't post yourself as a wolf who is succesful all the time, add a little variety.
That's pretty much it. Don't worry about forgetting when the mating season is, I will announce it in the forum.
Oh yeah i forgot. Anyone who joins up gets a Newbie Pack. It has enough meat to last your wolf for the day, while it gets settled. You still need to hunt, or your wolf will die, and you'll have to start again.
Name: Storm Colour: white Gender: F Family Tree (optional): Balto(Older brother) Fur length: Medium Story (optional): Storm is the agrissive but caring runt.
Okay, I am going to start a scenario. Storm, you have just succesfully hunted a nice fat young deer. You hear a rustling in the bushes, what do you do?
1. Abandon the food and run away. 2. Stand your ground. 3. Investigate. 4. Bark a warning.
Name: Raphael Colour: White, with silver-grey back Gender: Male Fur length: Medium Story: A wise and courageous pack leader, likes to organise hunts. Will bravely defend his territory and will fight to the death.
Name:Osswell Color: Dark Black striped with red Gender:M Family members: Dartho (cub) rest of family dead. Fur Length:Medium
Story me and Dartho live with Storm since you said we all begin in the same pact? Other than that I know how to hunt and Darto is 2 weeks old and already is inquisitive to the outside world other than our den. Strong, lean, mean, intelligent, strong willed, bad leader, and fairly shy in talking to other creatures but have honor and pride, lastly courageous but won't do anything stupid or suicidal.
I wont reply in this thread again unless you make me a scenario cuz I'm bad at making stories.
KK. Osswell, you are alone on the top of a sheltered hill in the middle of the night, when you hear another howl in the distance. It is inviting you to meet it in a clearing deep in the forest. What will you do?
1. Go and meet the other wolf. 2. Stay where you are.
Be careful, this choice could result in your wolf's death!
The pact I'm in is really small containing me, Storm, her older brother and my cub so I'll take the risk of 1. and go and meet the other wolf to try to make more friends/allies, perhaps after searching the perimeter for any other hidded wolves and if I find one I'll get the hell out of there asap.
Name: Storm Colour: white Gender: F Family Tree (optional): Balto(Older brother) Fur length: Medium Story (optional): Storm is the agrissive but caring runt
1. No more than 2 cubs per mating season. It's just confusing that ill have to check up on all of them.
2. A 40% chance of a successful hunt.
3. New awards: Hunting Skill Boost: Raises your hunting percentage to 60, happens when you get your first positive result in a scenario. Aggressive Boost: raises the chance of winning a fight, happens when you obtain your first five pack members.
4. As soon as three players have five pack members each, I will release a new feature... Whole pack attacks! You will be able to gather your pack and fight others as a whole. I will make some calculations, and decide the winners, who will all receive a bonus of some kind.
5. You will never see the same scenario twice, which prevents cheating through memory.
6. You are NOT allowed to help others in their scenarios, those are choices that they must make alone.
7. If you acheive an award, and I do not give it to you, please state it in CAPITALS on the forum, I will search through it every day, and give away any awards if need be.
8. DO NOT state you have an award, when you do not. I will keep a list of awards given, so ive got my eye on you.
Osswell...... CONGRATS! The other wolf is someone you were friends with as a cub, and they join your pack! FYI, choosing to stay would have resulted in you getting caught in a jaw trap, and you would have gnawed your leg off to escape. You probably would have died. Anyway, your pack number is now 5, so you receive a Hunting Skill Boost. You are now more likely to succeed in a hunt than not. Congrats on being the first player to win an award.
This is a scenario for Storm. (A.k.a StormDragon.) You are patrolling the borders of your territory, when you see a fully grown male wolf step out of the shadows. He looks aggrassive, it is obvious he wants to claim your territory. What is your choice?
1. Stand and fight. 2. Run away, and find a new home.
OMG! Certain passwords can earn you a bonus if you post them. Raphael may come out with a riddle or a missing word thingy now and then hiding the password. Watch out for them!