ForumsGame Walkthroughs-the last stand 2 walkthrough-

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The Last Stand 2 is the sequel to the hit game, that's right, The Last Stand. It takes place where the first left off, your character has boarded the helicopter untill there is an accident on board and you become the sole survivor of it's crash.
Movement and actions are pretty simple. Use either the W,A,S,D or Arrow keys to move your character. The 'R' Key reloads your current weapon. Last, but not least, the Space bar switches between your main and off-hand weapon. Use your mouse to aim and shoot those wicked Zombies.
Your only goal is to make it to Union city in fourty days to catch the last trip out of this hell-hole. Spend daytime searching stores for supplies and weapons, and night fending off the zombies behind your barricade.
Lets get familiar with our enemies now:â¨Zombie: Your average unlucky citizen, not to much trouble, aim for the head for a quick take down.
Runner: A zombie that charges at your barricade, try for these suckers first, then pick off any remaining ones. Shooting their legs may make them lose their balance.
Zombie Dog: These guys will charge at you the fastest, lucky for you they have almost no health and can be taken down with just a few shots from even the weakest guns.
Army/Swat Zombies: These are the worst there is, they have bullet-proof vests and protective helmets, weaker guns wont even phase these guys. Go for the legs if your using an automatic and they should go down fairly easy. A high powered gun may be able to pierce their armor but your best bet is always their legs.
Good, now since we met our new "friends" we can get down to bussiness. As stated before, your day time hours, a total of about 12, should be spent searching stores and houses for guns and supplies, you might pick up a survivor when doing this too. Gun shops, police stations, and some households will be where you will want to search first, as these have the highest chance of yielding one of those ever so pretty toys. Other stores and most houses will give you supplies, which you need to travel between towns, and the occasional trap.
Before I lose you too much let's learn alittle more about guns, traps, and survivors:
Guns: These are your primary source of damage and one of the few ways to kill those pesky zombies. Searching police stations and gun stores will almost always reward you with a new one of these.
Traps: Traps come in three shapes, bear traps, exploding traps, and land mines. The bear trap will catch any zombie that walks over it and gives you a nice chance to score a easy head shot. The Exploding barrels will trigger if you shoot them with a ranged weapon, taking out anything standing too close, carefull this may trigger other barells accidentally. The last, the land-mine, is one of the best. This spells immediate doom for any zombie and close friends of his that get too close, but these arnt found usually till a little later.
Survivors: Ahhh, company at last. Much better than survivors in the first game, these guys you can equip with any weapon you have that you currently arn't usuing. Equip your survivors on the screen where you choose the weapons you'll carry the upcomming night. Just click-and-drag the weapon you want them to have to the bottom right and drop it in one of the nice red-outlined boxes, Note: You have to have a suvivor to equip one, duhh..
Now since you know your enemies, toys, and friends, lets get to know the towns!
Glendale: The starting town, searching the local buildings will get you these goodies;⨠Revolver: Good damage, and six shots. Fairly slow reload time. Very accurate and good for the first few towns.⨠Chainsaw: Your best friend and off-hand for the rest of the game, this guy may have a slow refilling time but will hack any zombie banging on your barricade.
Whistler's Grove: The next town. Search for these weapons;⨠Compound bow: Fast reload time and fairly good damage. A player favorite so far, but wont get you far in the game.⨠Shotgun: One of my favorites early on, great damage and its shot spread through multiple adjacent enemies. Good gun till you find some in later towns, great to equip a survivor with.
Claysburg: Search the gun stores/police department for these great guns;⨠Uzi: Good clip of 50 bullets and great damage. Rate of fire is superb, this should be your primary for a while.⨠Ump 45: Submachine gun, recommended to pass it to a survivor for best results.
Aspenwood: Now your in the middle of nowhere, not too many shops so it shouldnt be hard to find;⨠Sawn-off: Not nearly as good as the version in the first one, this is gonna be discarded very easily, not even recommended for a survivor.⨠Hunting rifle: One of my favorites, one shot kill with only moderate aiming skills, the fact it only has one bullet before it needs a reload is a bummer though...
Jonestown: Were closing in on Union City now guys. This city is pretty **** big, lots of places to search, but we just want to find the goodies here. A security company and police station are ripe for the taking, this years harvest includes;⨠M4A1: Not a bad gun, but not the best reload time. A survivor will appreciate this.⨠Ak-47: Seems to have better damage than your Uzi, but the reload time in compairson is just too slow. Suvivors will adore you for this though.⨠Grenades: Although I havn't gotten them myself in game, they should do some good damage, and damages clusters of zombies. Would be a usefull secondary arm, if your willing to give up your Chainsaw that is...
Fort Tran: Your right before Union city and this is the last level, if you made it this far you should have no problem beating the game. Just dont stick around too long. This city hides the best weapon in the game;⨠M429 Minime: This thing is massive! It holds 200 bullets per clip, and the reload time is actually not too shabby for the clip size it has. The damage is superb. Best Gun in the game and not too hard to find.⨠RPG: If you need to take out a group clustered together, look no further. Upsides: High splash damage, Downside: Slow reload time and can only fire once at a time. Might be fun to see a survivor use if possible.
Congratulations, You've most likely made it to Union City with all this help in the fourty days you have! If not, well... now you know not to waste your time and you can certainly make it on your second attempt.
Some extra tips/recapped information:â¨Fat zombies have alot of health and your more likely to hit their shoulders than their heads, shoot for the legs to take these guys down quick.
When choosing your primary arm, remember: Fast reload and fairly decent clip size/damage are the most important.
As for secondary arms I suggest: Chainsaw, Grenades, RPG
Dont forget to equip your survivors!!!
Thank you for reading my guide,â¨- DieZombiesDie

  • 10 Replies
10 posts

This is awesome! Thanks a ton man!

180 posts

This game is so easy that it doesnt need a walkthrough

51 posts

so some people want a walkthrough so that they don't have to figure everything out for themselves.

203 posts

This game is so easy that it doesnt need a walkthrough

He has a point. This game is fairly self explanatory.
948 posts

This game is so easy that it doesnt need a walkthrough

He has a point. This game is fairly self explanatory.

True, but good guide for the ocasinal ( i spelt it wrong :P ) noob who needs help
7,024 posts

1) The best weapon is RPG. It can take out 5 running fat zombies with one shot. And the reload time is a very very very less than the compound bow. With such strength. Besides you don't care for reload time if you have such a good weapon.
2) What happens with the thing that says: PEOPLE KILLED WHILE OUT IN SEARCH PARTIES? It has never happened too me and i don't understand what is it exactly.

589 posts

thx for the quick tips dude =D

2,754 posts

u for got the overly fat zombies

1,212 posts

Well even tought the game doesn't need a walkthough,you got to admit he put in a lot of info in this one.

51 posts

the best weapons for me in The Last Stand 2 are the AK-47 and the Chainsaw so you can kill them near or far.

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