I was recently playing around with the program editor on my Calculator when I realised how easy it would be to make a "text adventure" style game using "If...ElseIf...Else...EndIf" and "Lbl...Goto" commands. I decided that I would make a calculator version of Homestarrunner.com's Thy Dungeonman! I am about 2/3 of the way done and when I'm finished, I'll post the code so that you guys can play it.
Ok, it seems that some things need to be cleared up. For starters, I have a TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator. It comes with a program editing application. This allows me to write simple programs. I am making a game that is similar to the "dungeons and dragons" style text games. As for the code, here is a sample: . : Lbl a Disp "You are standing in yon dungeon. There is a flask, a rope, and a bone. Exits are north, south, and dennis." Pause ClearIO Prompt "What shall you do",x If x="get ye flask" Then ClearIO Disp "You cannot get ye flask. ye flask is bolted to the wall." Pause ClearIO Goto a ElseIf x="go north" Then ClearIO Goto b Else ClearIO Disp "That does not computeth." EndIf . :
Also, when this game is done you will only be able to play it if you have a graphing calculator with a program editor.
Making a menu defeats the purpose of having a text adventure. Also, after about 4 hours of programming, the game is finally complete and I have eliminated most glitches. I will post all of the code tomorrow, there is a pretty fair amount of it and I don't feel like typing it all right now. I would appreciate it if anybody that has the right type of calculator (TI-89 or TI-89 Titanium) would volunteer to test the game and give feedback on it.
To play: 1. Go here to download TI Connect for your calculator. 2. Launch the TI Data editor, then create a new program file. 3. Copy/paste this code into your file:
dungeon() Prgm Disp "ye olde instructions" Disp "type commands in quotes" Disp "useth ye olde tounge" Disp "get ye flask,go to" Disp "yon dungeon" Pause ClrIO Disp "UberPixel Presentsâ¦" Pause ClrIO Disp "THY DUNGEONCALC" Pause ClrIO Disp "A Not-So-Epic Text" Disp "Adventure" Pause Lbl a ClrIO Disp "you are standing in yon" Disp "dungeon. there is a rope," Disp "a flask, and a bone. exits" Disp "are north, south, and" Disp "dennis." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt a If a="get ye flask" Then ClrIO Disp "you cannot get ye flask." Disp "ye flask is bolted to the" Disp "wall." Pause ClrIO Goto a ElseIf a="get ye rope" Then ClrIO Disp "ye rope is acctually a" Disp "snake! it bites you and" Disp "you die." Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf a="get ye bone" Then ClrIO Disp "ye bone is old amd rotten." Disp "it gives you ye plague!" Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf a="go north" Then ClrIO Goto b ElseIf a="go south" Then ClrIO Goto c ElseIf a="go to dennis" Then ClrIO Goto d Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto a EndIf Lbl b Disp "you go north. you reach" Disp "a cliff with spikes at the" Disp "bottom. exits are south." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt b If b="go south" Then ClrIO Goto a ElseIf b="go down" Then ClrIO Disp "ye spikes!" Pause ClrIO Goto m Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto b EndIf Lbl c Disp "you go south. you see a" Disp "trinket. exits are north." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt c If c="get ye trinket" Then ClrIO Disp "what luck! you have found" Disp "ye shiny golden trinket!" Pause ClrIO Goto e ElseIf c="go north" Then ClrIO Goto a Else ClrIO Disp "that does not comuteth." Pause ClrIO Goto c EndIf Lbl d Disp "you arrive at dennis. he" Disp "is wearing a frock coat" Disp "and a jimber-jam. he paces" Disp "nervously. exits are yon" Disp "dungeon." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt d ClrIO If d="talk to dennis" Then ClrIO Disp "dennis turns toward you" Disp "and speakethsâ¦" Pause ClrIO Disp "leave me alone, i lost my" Disp "golden trinket." Pause ClrIO Goto d ElseIf d="go to yon dungeon" Then ClrIO Goto a Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto d EndIf Lbl e Disp "you go south. you see no" Disp "trinkets. exits are north." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt e If e="get ye trinket" Then ClrIO Disp "you already have ye" Disp "trinket!" Pause ClrIO Goto e ElseIf e="go north" Then ClrIO Goto f Else ClrIO Disp "that does not comuteth." Pause ClrIO Goto e EndIf Lbl f Disp "you are standing in yon" Disp "dungeon. there is a rope," Disp "a flask, and a bone. exits" Disp "are north, south, and" Disp "dennis." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt f If f="get ye flask" Then ClrIO Disp "you cannot get ye flask." Disp "ye flask is bolted to the" Disp "wall." Pause ClrIO Goto f ElseIf f="get ye rope" Then ClrIO Disp "ye rope is acctually a" Disp "snake! it bites you and" Disp "you die." Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf f="get ye bone" Then ClrIO Disp "ye bone is old amd rotten." Disp "it gives you ye plague!" Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf f="go north" Then ClrIO Goto n ElseIf f="go south" Then ClrIO Goto e ElseIf f="go to dennis" Then ClrIO Goto g Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto f EndIf Lbl g Disp "you arrive at dennis. he" Disp "is wearing a frock coat" Disp "and a jimber-jam. he paces" Disp "nervously. exits are yon" Disp "dungeon." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt g If g="talk to dennis" Then ClrIO Disp "dennis turns toward you" Disp "and speakethsâ¦" Pause ClrIO Disp "leave me alone, i lost my" Disp "golden trinket." Pause ClrIO Goto g ElseIf g="go to yon dungeon" Then ClrIO Goto f ElseIf g="give ye trinket" Then ClrIO Disp "dennis taketh ye trinket" Disp "gleefully." Pause ClrIO Disp "you have foundeth my" Disp "trinket! you can have" Disp "this olde rope or this" Disp "olde wrench!" Pause ClrIO Goto h Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto g EndIf Lbl h Disp "you are somewhere. dennis" Disp "is gone. you see a rope" Disp "and a wrench. exits are" Disp "yon dungeon." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt h If h="talk to dennis" Then ClrIO Disp "dennis hath made off with ye trinket." Pause ClrIO Goto h ElseIf h="get ye rope" Then ClrIO Disp "you taketh ye olde rope." Pause ClrIO Goto i ElseIf h="get ye wrench" Then ClrIO Disp "you taketh ye olde wrench." Pause ClrIO Goto j Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto h EndIf Lbl i Disp "you are standing in yon" Disp "dungeon. there is a rope," Disp "a flask, and a bone. exits" Disp "are north." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt i If i="get ye flask" Then ClrIO Disp "you cannot get ye flask." Disp "ye flask is bolted to the" Disp "wall." Pause ClrIO Goto i ElseIf i="get ye rope" Then ClrIO Disp "ye rope is acctually a" Disp "snake! it bites you and" Disp "you die." Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf i="get ye bone" Then ClrIO Disp "ye bone is old amd rotten." Disp "it gives you ye plague!" Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf i="go north" Then ClrIO Goto k Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto i EndIf Lbl j Disp "you are standing in yon" Disp "dungeon. there is a rope," Disp "a flask, and a bone. exits" Disp "are north." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt j If j="get ye flask" Then ClrIO Disp "you cannot get ye flask." Disp "ye flask is bolted to the" Disp "wall." Pause ClrIO Goto j ElseIf j="get ye rope" Then ClrIO Disp "ye rope is acctually a" Disp "snake! it bites you and" Disp "you die." Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf j="get ye bone" Then ClrIO Disp "ye bone is old amd rotten." Disp "it gives you ye plaguej" Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf j="go north" Then ClrIO Goto l ElseIf j="use ye wrench" Then ClrIO Disp "you use dennis's olde" Disp "wrench to remove ye flask" Disp "from ye dungeon wall." Disp "the long sought after" Pause ClrIO Disp "flask is finally yours!" Disp "â¦but you'r still trapped" Disp "in yon dungeon. enjoy" Disp "starving!" Pause Goto m Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto j EndIf Lbl k Disp "you go north. you reach" Disp "a cliff with spikes at the" Disp "bottom. exits are south." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt k If k="go south" Then ClrIO Goto i ElseIf k="go down" Then ClrIO Disp "ye spikes!" Pause ClrIO Goto m ElseIf k="use ye rope" Then Disp "you use dennis's olde rope" Disp "to absail down ye cliff." Disp "thou hath reachethed" Disp "freedom! you change thy" Pause ClrIO Disp "name to kigalonian and" Disp "live to a ripe old age," Disp "at which time the kerrek" Disp "killeth thee." Goto m Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto k EndIf Lbl l Disp "you go north. you reach" Disp "a cliff with spikes at the" Disp "bottom. exits are south." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt l If l="go south" Then ClrIO Goto j ElseIf l="go down" Then ClrIO Disp "ye spikes!" Pause ClrIO Goto m Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto l EndIf Lbl n Disp "you go north. you reach" Disp "a cliff with spikes at the" Disp "bottom. exits are south." Pause ClrIO Disp "what shall you do?" Prompt n If b="go south" Then ClrIO Goto f ElseIf n="go down" Then ClrIO Disp "ye spikes!" Pause ClrIO Goto m Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Pause ClrIO Goto n EndIf Lbl m Disp "game over" Pause ClrIO Disp "restart?" Prompt m If m="yes" Then ClrIO Goto a ElseIf m="no" Then ClrIO Stop Else ClrIO Disp "that does not computeth." Goto m EndIf EndPrgm
4. Save the file to your calculator. 5. To run the game, go to the "home" screen on your calculator and type in "dungeon()".
Instructions are included in the game, but here is a more detailed set:
1.You must type stuff in order to do stuff. 2.Everything that you type has to be in quotes. 3.You must use "ye olde tounge," so instead of typing "take flask" you have to type "get ye flask". 4.Only certain commands work. Here is a list: go get give use If you tpe in an invalid command, you will get a message saying "That does not computeth."
If you find any bugs/glitches/errors, please post.