Hi ppl! I'm writing cuz I just found a free alternative to the (very expensive) flash cs4 It's called flash develop, and you can download it here: http://www.flashdevelop.org/downloads/releases/FlashDevelop-3.0.6-RTM.exe This is the official website: http://www.flashdevelop.org/wikidocs/index.php?title=Main_Page
It looks ok, but there's just a little problem: I CAN'T USE IT!!! I'm desperately searching for a tutorial... I haven't any expirience with object-oriented programming, so don't post gudes like the ones I've already found, that talk about classes, functions and so on without even telling what they actually are. I just need something very basical, for a beginner... can soebody help me plz?
Flash Develop is an extremely challenging program due to its nature. There is no GUI to program, just straight-up ActionScript. This is a challenge for pretty much anyone. If you're a beginner, it's going to be near impossible to learn ActionScript and make a complete game only through programming.
Try the demo of Flash or buy a copy if you're thinking about making a game. FlashDevelop is quite hard to use for anyone.
Here's a link if you MUST have a tutorial. Not quite that useful, but oh well. http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/actionscript/blow-an-image-away-with-a-custom-wind-effect/
Well, there's the 600 page referencehere, if you've got a month or two to spare. This one here is somewhat user-friendly, and is probably easier to read. And you can always search on Google, if you run out of tuts.
@rjbman I can't buy cs4... it's too expensive for me. the 30 days trial is ok, i may learn something, but... then? after those 30 days what shall I do? Format my hd and reinstall it? If I learn as3 within 30 days, will I be able to switch to flashdevelop (or another free editor) with less troubles? Or would I better not waste my time with as3 if i'm not going to spend that money?
@BeastMode10: The second link was very useful, though it's about cs4... at least now i know what a class is or how to declare vars. the last one was the frist one i tried, but i found it quite hard to understand... I think I'll try again, but I'm afraid I'll have to go for the 600 pages reference... thanks anyway!