i have learned flash but i am having trouble finding a good action script 3 tutorial. all the ones iv found only cover specific things and im not sure if theres any ones that start from the basics. if anyone know a good tutorial then pleas tell me
Lynda.com AS 3.0 EssentialsI used that to learn AS 3.0
What do you mean? You learned flash but you want a tutorial with the basics?Anyways, try Flash Game Tuts.
He learnt flash but not AS 3.0
thanks manny and yes i learnt the animation but the tutorial didn't cover any of the action script exept for how to make a movie stop
do you know any free ones cause id rather not pay
Flash Game Tuts, the one I gave above, is completely free. It's got several different types of games, in both AS2 and AS3.Kurt, tell him that site rocks. That's Mr. Sun Studios's new site.
Flash game tuts isn't teaching you the action script it telling you what you need to make those games
Lynda.com isn't free or it isn't free anymore. it cost 25$ for a month.
So you want something that teaches you every single thing in AS?Buy a book.If you want something that gives you the basics and enough to do something you want with a little work, use a tutorial.
i might buy a book i never thought of that. i thought google would solve all of life's problems but lets try the old fashion way
i thought google would solve all of life's problems but lets try the old fashion way
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