ForumsProgramming ForumPlatformer Help - Slopes

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14 posts

Hello everyone.
I'm gonna say this first, cause I'll get flamed probably:
Yes, I know I should make my own script, but I'm still a complete beginning so I use other ppl's script to learn from them.

Now, off to the problem. As I already sad I have lesser knowledge of scripting (and yes I'm learning the basics through all the tutorials), but now I stumbled upon this great script by Nathan Stockton:

onClipEvent (load) {
jumping = false;
// jumping is true
speed = 0;
// speed is 0
////Ammendment 1//
healthX =;
//sets healthX to the starting X postition of the "health" MC
scoreX = _root.score._x;
//sets scoreX to the starting X postition of the "score" MC
Xpos = this._x;
//sets Xpos to the starting X postition of this MC
Ypos = this._y;
//sets Ypos to the starting Y postition of this MC
maxmove = 15;
// maxmove is fifteen(max run seed)
_root.maxshoottime = 100;
// _root.maxshoottime is set to 100
// this is how far you want the bullets to travel before deleting
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
////Ammendment 2//
_x = Xpos-_root._x;
//sets the X pos to the starting X postition of this MC
_root.score._x = scoreX-_root._x;
//sets the scire MCs X pos to its starting point on the screen = healthX-_root._x;
//sets the health MCs X pos to its starting point on the screen
if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && !jumping) {
// if NOT hitting X and Y postion with the ground and NOT jumping
this._y += 6;
// Y positon moves up 6
if (!_root.shooting) {
// if _root.shooting is false
_root.timer = 0;
// _root.timer is set to 0
_root.mvsp = _xscale/20;
// _root.mvsp is set to the chars xscale divided by 20
// the answer to this is the speed of the bullets
if (_root.dead) {
// if dead is true
// goto and stop on the "dead" frame
} else {
// otherwise (if they are not dead)
speed *= .85;
// speed is multiplied by .85
// the lower the faster is slows
if (dir == "right" && !_root.leftblock.hitTest(this._x+20, this._y, true)) { += speed;
// moves the health, the opposite way to the _root
_root.score._x += speed;
// moves the score, the opposite way to the _root
this._x += speed;
// moves the char, the opposite way to the _root
_root._x -= speed;
// moves the _root
////Ammendment 3//
if (speed>0) {
//if speed is smaller than 0
dir = "right";
// the variable dir is set to right
} else if (speed<0) {
//if speed is greater than 0
dir = "left";
// the var dir is set to left
if (dir == "left" && !_root.rightblock.hitTest(this._x-20, this._y, true)) { += speed;
// moves the health, the opposite way to the _root
_root.score._x += speed;
// moves the score, the opposite way to the _root
this._x += speed;
// moves the char, the opposite way to the _root
_root._x -= speed;
// moves the _root
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
// if left is pressed
if (speed>-maxmove) {
// if the speed is greater than neg. maxmove
// speed goes lower
// goto and stop the run frame
this._xscale = -100;
// scale is set to neg. 100
// this is what rotates ur char
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
// otherwise if right is pressed
if (speed<maxmove) {
// if the speed is smaller than maxmove
// speed goes up
this._xscale = 100;
// scale is set to 100
// this is what rotates ur char
// goto and stop the run frame
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
// otherwise if control is pressed
// goto and stop the attack frame
attacking = true;
// attacking is true
speed = 0;
// speed is set to 0
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
// otherwise if space is pressed
if (_root.gotgun == true && !_root.shooting) {
// if _root.gotgun is true(they have the gun) and _root.shooting is false
_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bulleter", 1, {_x:_root.char._x, _y:_root.char._y-25});
// attach the movie with the Linkage name "bullet" to the _root at the character X position and the Y position minus 25
_root.shooting = true;
// _root.shooting is set true
with (_root.bulleter) {
// all code below this code and it's closer refer to _root.bulleter
onEnterFrame = function () {
// setting the onEnterFrame events (onClipEvent)
if (_root.timer>_root.maxshoottime) {
// if _root.timer is smaller than _root.maxshoottime
_root.shooting = false;
// shooting is false
// this movie clip is unloaded
// _root.timer goes up 1
_x += _root.mvsp;
// the X goes up _root.mvsp (which is set constantly and stays the same when shooting.) };
attacking = true;
// attacking is true
speed = 0;
// speed is set to 0
// goto and stop on the shoot frame
} else if (speed<1 && speed>-1 && !attacking) {
// if speed is smaller than one and greater than neg. 1
speed = 0;
// speed is set to 0
// gotoAndStop the idle frame
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && !jumping) {
// if up is pressed and NOT jumping
jumping = true;
// jumping is set true
if (jumping) {
// if jumping is true
this._y -= jump;
// Y position is set down jump
jump -= .5;
// jump is set down .5
if (jump<0) {
// if jump is smaller than 0
falling = true;
// falling is true
if (jump<-15) {
// if jump is smaller than neg. 5
jump = -15;
// jump is set to neg 5
// capping fall speeds prevents falling through grounds
if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && falling) {
// if hitting X an Y postions with the ground and falling
jump = 9;
// jump is set to 9
jumping = false;
// jumping is false
falling = false;
// falling is false
onClipEvent (keyUp) {
// on Key Up
if (Key.getCode() == Key.CONTROL) {
// if the release is control
attacking = false;
// attacking is false


This is the code for a platformer, which is by all scripts I stumbled upon the best.
The only problem all this scripts lack is the "smooth walking on slopes". They all either get stuck, walk weirdly and incorrect or go past the wall/slope and get thrown in the air or something like that.

So what I'm asking is if anyone could help me out with this problem? Anything really, I would appreciate it.

And another thing:
How to add "ceiling". As this scripts makes you have three walls. Down wall (where you stand) and left and right walls to detect collision. But there is no "up wall" or "ceiling", so the character can jump through all the grounds up (doesn't bump into the ceiling), which (I think) is the reason why he doesn't want to stand on moving grounds (or is there other reason)?

Thanks a lot in advance!

  • 6 Replies
70 posts

I really like this tutorial here.
This is the most complete from the tutorial series, if you want the more basic ones, just look around on the website and you'll find them.

70 posts

Wait, this one has slopes.

252 posts

This seems to be the code from the slopes tutorial that might be useful:

function is_on_slope() {
on_slope = false;
x_slope_detector = Math.floor(x_pos/tile_size);
y_slope_detector = Math.floor(y_pos/tile_size);
if (jumping or falling) {
if (level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 10 or level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 11) {
if (level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 10) {
x_offset = tile_size-x_pos%tile_size;
// could be an "else"...
if (level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 11) {
x_offset = x_pos%tile_size;
if (y_pos>Math.floor(y_pos/tile_size)*tile_size-9+x_offset) {
// rebounce fix here
// could NOT be an else
if (!jumping and !falling) {
if (level[y_slope_detector+1][x_slope_detector] == 10 or level[y_slope_detector+1][x_slope_detector] == 11) {
y_pos = (y_slope_detector+1)*tile_size+tile_size/2+1;
y_slope_detector += 1;
if (level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 10 or level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 11) {
if (level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 10) {
x_offset = tile_size-x_pos%tile_size;
// could be an "else"...
if (level[y_slope_detector][x_slope_detector] == 11) {
x_offset = x_pos%tile_size;
y_pos = Math.floor(y_pos/tile_size)*tile_size-9+x_offset;
on_slope = true;
if (!jumping and !falling and !on_slope and over != "ladder&quot {
y_pos = (y_slope_detector)*tile_size+tile_size/2+1;


I didn't adapt it for the nathan stockton engine but go ahead and give it a try!! Post with results.

252 posts

Check out my game: Super Mitchio

To have the character fall when he hits the ceiling object just make a ceiling movie clip (can be invisible, I prefer it that way) and have the hit test function make falling true, and jumping false.

If you have any questions about things I did in my game or the engine in general feel free to ask away.

14 posts

Thanks LLeRRoux. That tutorial is great, but has one little problem: "WTF?" I don't understand a single thing :O I don't know how to edit my, levels, sure I know how to add some tiles in array but have no idea how to add new or make new level or stuff like that.
So I would appreciate anything else with slopes, but not tile based.

And plasmafish, thx for that script, but I'm afraid I have no idea how to add it anywhere :P
And great game Super Mitchio, would love the scripts xD


252 posts

Klem, let us know how it goes. Just because you don't have slopes doesn't mean the game is ruined.

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