hi... I know it's just too stupid to be true, but I can't add the code to a MC I create a new as3 file, i draw a circle in it, i convert it to a symbol (movieclip), i select it and i press f9. And i get an "actions" window with, on the white box where i should add the code, this message: "current selection cannot have actions applied to it" where did i go wrong? Ps... sorry for the bad english, i'm italian and it's 23 o'clok, i'm slipping away XD
To make an object move, first off you need to select the instance of the circle (the one on the stage). Then give it an instance name in the properties window. Then make a new layer (on the stage). Name it "actions". Click this layer, then go to actions. You'll be able to apply code using the instance name you gave it.
If you create an instance of the MC in the code, either the document class or main action code and add it to the stage with addChild(MyMC), you can easily add code to control it there. It makes for better coding anyway, since it doesn't get hidden in among the timeline.