i'm fooling around a bit in flash, making a rpg style game. i have my character centered in the middle and move the other movie clips around, to give an illusion of the character moving. I find this way kinda stupid tho, as i suppose all the extra code in every single object will slow the game down? no? ok if anyone know a better way to move the character around i'd be happy to know
Anyway, let's move on with the first way. I added boundaries ( a transperant shape ) ontop of objects that i don't want the character to move on. I added the same move code as in the other movieclips to make it stay in the right place. Here comes my problem, finally, cookie for you if you still follow, lol The code i added in the boundaries is a simple thing that pushes the character back with the same speed as the movieclips go forward with. this prevents the character from moving over these objects, but as the character get's pushed back the movieclips will still move on forward, making the character get pushed out of the screen, anyone understood anything of this? ) if you did, have another cookie, and hopefully you can enlighten me on how to fix it, alternatively if you didn't understand my babbeling, maybe you could hook me up with a code that you use for your boundaries? ;D
You shouldn't make it move the character, make it move the map in the oposite direction atr the same speed (which should make it stay in the same position).