choose parasite. sell all symptom you need to have no visibility. just wait and the number of infected will grow. buy all drug resistance. You must still have zero visibility at this point. Starting region doesnt matter but Japan sure wins for me(you get airborne and heat free.)after resitances buy transmission. then buy syptoms that will get you to infect people with the lowest visibility possible. Just wait and madagascar will be infected too. As soon as madagascar is infected(you should have tons of evo points now) buy symptoms that will infect and kill people. Your visibility should have had a huge jump and the world is making a cure. but due to your virus' lethality all hospitals will be closed before the cure is made. buy resistances if you have points. all will die
If you don't start on Madagascar it's hard to infect Madagascar ... I have never infected Madagascar once! They always the first ones to close their docks.
If you don't start on Madagascar it's hard to infect Madagascar ... I have never infected Madagascar once! They always the first ones to close their docks.
I've managed to infect Madagascar twice... Once, I beat the game in 102 days. The other time Peru and Argentina remained clean...-.-*
How can i beat this game ? It's takes too long time for me, and i have never figured out what u mean with RESISTANCE > TRANSMISSION > LOW VISIBILITY SYMPOTOM > LETHAL SYMPTOM It only makes all regions to close everything. Is this strategy only for realistic mode ? no ?
How can i beat this game ? It's takes too long time for me, and i have never figured out what u mean with RESISTANCE > TRANSMISSION > LOW VISIBILITY SYMPOTOM > LETHAL SYMPTOM It only makes all regions to close everything. Is this strategy only for realistic mode ? no ?
Well i tried your strategy but after many region have started to be infected, goverments starts to close everything and they start to stop transmissions (ex:handing masks). I end up to have 1 region surviving because it closed everything.
Well i tried your strategy but after many region have started to be infected, goverments starts to close everything and they start to stop transmissions (ex:handing masks). I end up to have 1 region surviving because it closed everything.
Note that your parasite should NOT HAVE ANY VISIBILITY, even a very very very short line of visibility means loss BE very sure to buy a symptom if every region is infected