There's an unknown file in my desktop. I don't know how it got there or how to get it out. I cannot delete, rename, move it. I get a message saying "Cannot read from source file or disk." I scanned it but my antivirus* says that it is safe to open it. I don't know what file type it is or which program opens it. I don't know anything about it. Please help me get rid of it.
Check when and by who it was created. In most CPU's there are more than two users. One may be the Administrater of the Computer. The other, a normal user. I'll put it to an example:
Windows Laptop. Users: 2: Someone Else(Administrator) You (User)
Administrators can create files that can be sent to other users. They may choose this files to be "Only Read" which means the normal user cannot do anything to it: Cannot move it, Cannot delete it, just open it, but never changing the file.
No negative effects. But spoils the look of my desktop. It's right in front of Chester Bennington's face lol. :P It says all topics welcome........It was not created by an administrator. It just appeared there out of nowhere. I am the only one who ever touches the computer. :|
Seriously though, I've had the problem. I just left it alone as it wasn't causing damage. Sucks that it's on your desktop, but as long as you know where it's from you're all right.