This question has been brough up many times so here is a simple answer. First you will need to get your hands on adobe Flash or Director.You can download a free 30-day trial, but that won`t get you far so you will probably have to buy the real version later.The price of the newest version of Flash is 699$ for more details refer to Now you will need to learn atleast one of the three game development branches and as far as money goes here is how they are layed out music>art>rogramming.To do that you can search the internet for tutorials my suggestions: and drawing) You might also need someone to help you.If you choose art you will need to find a programming partner and if you choose programming you will need an artist.Learning both will be very helpful since you can get the whole profit from the game.Music is not as appreciated so if you choose that you will probably have to lok for solo projects.
Okay, wow. Was the quadruple post necessary? Hell, you have a post with nothing in it. And half of it is incoherent. Why is music the most important? You do know that ">" means greater than, right?
And seriously, the only post I understand whatsoever is the second one. The other two are unintelligible.
No offenses but, i am NEW too, and i don't make incoherent threads, asking questions, and then i answer them myself, THEN say i thank my self for answering the question. Isn't that a little.. retarded?