There's freeware that allows you to make games and many programming languages (Java, C, etc.) but free software that makes Flash games? I don't think so. At least, the most popular free software for making games (besides a programming language like Java) would be Game Maker but Game Maker does not save the files as Flash files and therefore can't be submitted to Armor Games and I don't know how much actual Flash coding is involved with making something using Game Maker. Adobe probably keep their eyes peeled for free programs that create Flash because they get a hell of a lot of money from Flash CS#.
Others might be able to help you a bit more. If you can't afford Flash and if you're not concerned about being unable to upload the games to Armor Games it might be worth trying out Game Maker or learning a different programming language.
Thanks Elitemagical. I was afraid that might be the case. I have tried looking around using google to see if there is something freeware that does the same thing, but haven't found anything as yet. Being as I'm on disability paying $699.00 all at once for adobe would of course be impossible as in real life I have bills to pay like everyone. I've even looked over at ebay to see if there is a copy of the older Adobe for sale there. Not much luck I'm afraid. Why they can't have it lower priced so that more people can afford it I don't know. Lower price = more people to buy it (i.e. more customers) or so I would think.
Lower price = more people to buy it (i.e. more customers) or so I would think.
I agree. However, it seems Adobe make a hell of a lot of money from Flash at this price and with all their other products the increase in profit wouldn't be that noticeable or possibly even negative. The development teams for Flash are probably pretty big because firstly, all the basics have been done, now Adobe have to think up more innovative things which results in more programming and secondly, Flash isn't open source, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the price necessary to keep the jobs of the development teams.
Actually Flash Develop allows you to program games in AS3 that are fully playable. The only issue with it is that there is no visual interface, only code. Flash Develop
Thanks for the link rjbman. Is there a difficult learning curve for Flash Develop or is it pretty simple to master? I mean is it easy to find tutorials that are compatible with the program? Are there some standards that translate from say Adobe to Flash Develop despite them being different programs? For example I know that Gimp is said to have some similarities to Photoshop so that you can use tutorials for one as guides for the other. Also I recently ordered a copy of "Beginning Flash Game Programming For Dummies" by Andy Harris through Amazon figuring it couldn't hurt to have something of a basic primer of some sort handy. Don't know how clear it will be of course, but the Dummies series of books is usually pretty good at clarity I think.
I have only made 1 game with it. No, you can't really interchange the two though. I used Flixel to make mine... its a game engine. There's a good tutorial for how to use it. You have to make graphics in another program, like GIMP.
You have to make graphics in another program, like GIMP.
Yeah. GIMP is extremely good. And it's so similar to Photoshop you may as well download GIMP for free. Either GIMP or Paintshop. Either one owns Photoshop.
You can still start on the code even without flash!
Not yet. I'm currently using a pay-as-you-go dongle to access the internet and my mum would get very pissed off if I started using all the bandwidth and money to download something for Flash development . . . Maybe in a few weeks time . . . >.>
Yes. But it's far from easy. Python isn't exactly made for game making far from easy. It's powerful, but not ideal for creating something playable. I can't do much with my knowledge of Python and I doubt many people have created a playable game in Python. A simple knowledge of conditionals and logical operators will allow for text based adventures but I wouldn't even know how to go about inserting sprites, creating AI - even registering keystrokes would be difficult for me. It's definitely a difficult task to undertake and it will be quite a while before you can make anything using Python, but always good to have a high target, and you'd definitely expand your Python knowledge a lot.
Not that much (best I did with python was a text based war card game simulator with my dad, but it was played by the computer only) So the same can probably be said about any other programming language (I now know that an average game of war has 125 moves)
So as far as having no Visual interface in Flash Develop does that mean that you can only see the actual game after it's compiled? And until then can only see the code when you are trying to write the game rather than being able to see a visual result of what you are trying to make as you go along? Is that what you mean rjbman? Just wondering if I understood your post correctly.
Action Script (aka the 700$ flash thing) is glitchy.
ActionScript and flash are different things, Flash is the IDE, ActionScript is the language. You can use ActionScript without flash as well though for example in Flex and FlashDevelop.