ForumsGame Walkthroughssniper assassin 2 cheats

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1 - Liar
When the man stops below the window, shoot him in the head.
2 - Bully Shoot the two men with bandannas in the store. Red first, then the blue. Do it quickly, before the other flees.
3 - Maniac In the far window, at the end of the second floor, theres a man messing with the drawers. Shoot him in the back of the head.
4 - Justice The man in the middle of all the bodyguards is the criminal. Put your sights on his neck, and wait for his head to move in the rod light. Then, fire away.
5 - Loving Wife As the man jogs, wait for him to go just below the tree, and shoot the outstretched tree branch, for it to fall on him and kill him.
6 - Ransom Wait for the person with the clipboard to start talking to a man in glasses.Then, shoot him in the head. Your using tranquilizer darts; he won't die.
7 - Persuasion Swing the lamp, and then hit him with upper cuts and gut kicks, and swing the lamp whenever possible. Then, press spacebar when guts is lower than fear.
8 - Hideout Kill man on side of wall, first man in building, second man in building, man on roof,and the man closest to you.
9 - Sucker Kill man on side of wall, first man in building, second man in building, man on roof,and the man closest to you.
10 - Beach Party Shoot the beach ball, then the kite string right below the kite. Then, shoot the mans upright knee.
11 - The Truth Hit him with baton whacks, only after doing lots of upper cuts and gut kicks, and swing
the lamp whenever possible, and squeeze the lemon every once in a while. Wait for guts to go below the fear meter, and then, press spacebar.

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