ForumsGame WalkthroughsExit Path

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Exit Path has screen after screen of spikes, lasers, and eye-popping acrobatics. John has proven himself more than capable of making a wide variety of games, but some of his best work seems to lie in creating fast-paced, action-packed games, and he certainly hasn't missed the mark with this one. The need to move quickly is integrated directly into gameplay, not only with the constantly ticking clock, but also the need to build up "flow" by keeping up a constant momentum. There are also hard to reach collectibles, and a few challenges that you'll have to think about before jumping into, so there are going to be some times you'll want to go a little slower, but even then, there's still an overbearing sense of urgency. Flash games have always had a difficult time in getting multiplayer right, but Exit Path may be the best attempt we've seen. With auto-matching, auto-leveling, and a wide variety of courses to run through, the games end up being evenly balanced and well-matched, so there's maximum fun with minimal skill imbalance. Granted, you'll want to have completed single player (excuse me, UNIplayer) mode first, so you have a basic understanding of what you're doing, but by the time you've made your way through that mode, you should feel big and empowered, ready to take on any other players out there who think they've got what it takes to be the best.The controls can be very touchy, and some of the traps you have to make your way through are going to test your patience, but those of you who are already accustomed to John's style should have a lot to love in Exit Path. And for those of you who don't, well, there's always the audit room for you!
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