Word of advice: I don't think many people speak French here (assuming that's French), so I'd recommend plugging that into a translator at the very least.
OK, maybe now being the best at french in my top french group in school wil be useful hmm.. let me try
I think he's looking for a coder cos he has an idea for a game... He can't program.. he knows it's pathetic(which it isn't).
And let's get that translator up..(with some editing to make it more correct)
ok, I'm looking for a programmer, because although I have a lot of game ideas, I ....... do not know how ....... to program (I know it's pathetic), therefore I thought I could work with with an understanding programmer (and patient, this will be also useful for him), the best would be that they can meet in reality (it would be even more practical than to speak only by computer), thank you for answering has my call (IN ASSISTANCE!!!)?? because I want to make this so that one day one of my games is popular, but also so that gamers have a good time!!
Je pense que tu ne recevoirai pas beaucoup de reponses ici. Ceci est un forum anglaise/americain. La majorite de personnes sur ArmorGames.com ne parle pas de fraincais. Je parle peu de fraincais parce que J'apprends fraincais en ecole. Je suis desole pour l'accents, ceci forum ne visualise pas l'accents.
Wow, did I just write that? Well, I did check a dictionary for some words, like: get a response. and this as in this forum.
Redoom, I recommend writing what you want, then putting it into a translator like Google Translate, then posting the translation. To read posts, do the same.
This is an English site and the default language is English. The char-set is not even properly supported. It would probably be better if you found a French speaking site. I apologize I can't help my French sucks :3.