What you do is start a sentence with A like apples are good. the next person starts the next sentence with B A sentence with B that would keep the seen going could be Biting apples is the best part and so on. ok i will start. animals are attacking
Hmmm, that works! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and I have no horse, heavenly harp, or house as a result. High-tide happy hour inside a hole in the ground involves hours of hoping and haggling God for help while a hurricane hovers over head! Honor is a heap of hocus pocus haplessly sold to the hypocritical heads up their heaved rears, who are howling at the moon horribly while heeding no hero's words. How many heartless hippies can hold a helpless hen without hurting himself in a heated struggle over healing? Hypocrits hypothesize about hallowed facts, holding hearts and hands hyperactively without hearing the whole story. Hope you heed the hints I hid in the hangman hitting on hacked hardware and huddling in the hootenanny hewn from halls of hanging harpies. Holy crap, he is heating up in the holly, hunting and hoarding her in the hay, haft and heel in his hands! (Hating that hat and heart of glass, that was a lot of H words!)