ForumsForum GamesPoke Some Puppies RPG - The Weirdest One Ever

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20,591 posts

Okay, so I just randomly came up with this idea that everyone should bring spears, fire pokers or thunder pokers and poke some puppies! And I decided to bring it to the whole world to see! (Well, exaggeration)

Unfortunately, this RPG is INVITE ONLY. However, you can post a RESUME here on why you think you should be INVITED, and I'll take that into consideration and possibly send you an invitation.

Anyways, this RPG will take into account styles of action, adventure, lame jokes, poking puppies, kitty's revenge and pHac's 3rd girlfriend. It will have RPG elements, action elements, random dog guts everywhere elements (I SWEAR, ITS NOT ANIMAL ABUSE)

Interested? No? Well, here's the character sheet anyways:

AllianceKitten, Kitty, Cat or Feline)
Misc. InfoAppearance, personality, history, girlfriend's history, etc.)
Level: 1
Special Powers: N/A
WeaponBlunted Spear, Metal Poker, or Twig)
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

A few rules:
1) Invite only, or resume
2) No modding
3) Only considerate posts
4) No talking about politics
5) Have fun

Now if only we could have this edit option....

  • 103 Replies
1,903 posts

Name: Yttikgnol
Misc. Info: White and creme colored kitty with dark gray swirls all over his body and random brown splotches. Is patient for a kitty, but not quite as patient as older cats, loves to help people but will only do so if convenient. Was the runt of the litter, dejected at birth, raised by a family of puppies who later tried to eat him. He wants revenge.
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Blunted Spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

I climb a nearby tree and prepare to throw my spear at one of the puppies.

20,591 posts

Name:Pineapple King
Misc. Info:Well I like to consider myself tall though some may argue it. My hair is a vivid shade of blue. I like to play forum games as long as no bananas are involved. I am right now playing timemu just to listen to the music.
Special Powers:N/A
Weapons: Twig
Inventory: Piece of a metal pipe
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

You look around and suddenly trip over something. You pick it up. It's a piece of a metal pipe. You put it in your inventory. (UPDATED SHEET) Now what?

Name: Casey
Alliance: Kitty
Misc. Info:Gray with a scar running down his left eye, his girfriend he met when he was 13 and is still dating today (lolz girlfriend history)
Level: 1
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Metal Poker
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

ERROR: Grenade not found
20,591 posts

Name: Yttikgnol
Misc. Info: White and creme colored kitty with dark gray swirls all over his body and random brown splotches. Is patient for a kitty, but not quite as patient as older cats, loves to help people but will only do so if convenient. Was the runt of the litter, dejected at birth, raised by a family of puppies who later tried to eat him. He wants revenge.
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Blunted Spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

You climb the tree. Unfortunately, it is a coconut tree. A coconut falls to the ground with a thump. A puppy wakes up. He starts barking, and everyone wakes up. Seeing you, 2 puppies run for the tree.
4,689 posts

Name:Pineapple King
Misc. Info:Well I like to consider myself tall though some may argue it. My hair is a vivid shade of blue. I like to play forum games as long as no bananas are involved. I am right now playing timemu just to listen to the music.
Special Powers:N/A
Weapons: Twig
Inventory: Sheet of metal
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A
I look for som fire and a hammer to become a cat smith.

1,150 posts

Name: JJ
Misc. Info:Im a pure jet (glossy black) cat that enjoys playing with balls of string and scratching/biting/poking random people. No one knows my past besides that I have a deep hatred for dogs, cause Im mysterious like that and my girlfriend history is also unknown.
Level: 1
EXP.: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon:Blunted spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

Assuming I am at the same place as the others, I sneak towards their food supply, throw it into the fire, and disappear into the night.

20,591 posts

Name: Casey
Alliance: Kitty
Misc. Info:Gray with a scar running down his left eye, his girfriend he met when he was 13 and is still dating today (lolz girlfriend history)
Level: 1
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Metal Poker
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

You reach the campfire without making a sound. You stay back, fearing your shadow is seen. You see the basic provisions and items needed to stay alive. Besides that, nothing else. What now?

Name:Pineapple King
Misc. Info:Well I like to consider myself tall though some may argue it. My hair is a vivid shade of blue. I like to play forum games as long as no bananas are involved. I am right now playing timemu just to listen to the music.
Special Powers:N/A
Weapons: Twig
Inventory: Sheet of metal
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

Common sense. You aren't going to find a hammer lying in the middle of nowhere. As for the fire, there's the campfire. Also, please look at my past post. I stated in the inventory that it was a piece of a metal pipe, not a sheet of metal Copy and paste that version.
1,903 posts

Name: Yttikgnol
Misc. Info: White and creme colored kitty with dark gray swirls all over his body and random brown splotches. Is patient for a kitty, but not quite as patient as older cats, loves to help people but will only do so if convenient. Was the runt of the litter, dejected at birth, raised by a family of puppies who later tried to eat him. He wants revenge.
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Blunted Spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

I stay in the tree, throwing coconuts at the puppies.

20,591 posts

Name: JJ
Misc. Info:Im a pure jet (glossy black) cat that enjoys playing with balls of string and scratching/biting/poking random people. No one knows my past besides that I have a deep hatred for dogs, cause Im mysterious like that and my girlfriend history is also unknown.
Level: 1
EXP.: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon:Blunted spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

The food supply is in the middle of the circle. Do you risk walking past them to get to it?

Name: Yttikgnol
Misc. Info: White and creme colored kitty with dark gray swirls all over his body and random brown splotches. Is patient for a kitty, but not quite as patient as older cats, loves to help people but will only do so if convenient. Was the runt of the litter, dejected at birth, raised by a family of puppies who later tried to eat him. He wants revenge.
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Blunted Spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

A coconut hits one of the puppies in the head and they fall over backwards, hitting the other puppy and causing them to tumble into their masters. They lay on the ground, stunned.
4,689 posts

Name:Pineapple King
Misc. Info:Well I like to consider myself tall though some may argue it. My hair is a vivid shade of blue. I like to play forum games as long as no bananas are involved. I am right now playing timemu just to listen to the music.
Special Powers:N/A
Weapons: Twig
Inventoryiece of a metal pipe
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A
Fail on my part. I guess I try to combine my twig and metal pipe.

1,150 posts

Name: JJ
Misc. Info:Im a pure jet (glossy black) cat that enjoys playing with balls of string and scratching/biting/poking random people. No one knows my past besides that I have a deep hatred for dogs, cause Im mysterious like that and my girlfriend history is also unknown.
Level: 1
EXP.: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon:Blunted spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

I decide to risk it, but I use my spear (or a long stick) to push it into the fire so I can make a quicker escape if I have to.

1,903 posts

Name: Yttikgnol
Misc. Info: White and creme colored kitty with dark gray swirls all over his body and random brown splotches. Is patient for a kitty, but not quite as patient as older cats, loves to help people but will only do so if convenient. Was the runt of the litter, dejected at birth, raised by a family of puppies who later tried to eat him. He wants revenge.
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Blunted Spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

I take the chance to run away while they are stunned, I can't risk attempting to kill them while there are humans around.

20,591 posts

Name: Casey
Alliance: Kitty
Misc. Info:Gray with a scar running down his left eye, his girfriend he met when he was 13 and is still dating today (lolz girlfriend history)
Level: 1
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Metal Poker
Inventory: Banana x 2
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

You reach for their provisions but one of them suddenly stirs and you just grab a random bag and run.

You obtained: 2 x banana (CHARACTER SHEET UPDATED)
20,591 posts

Name:Pineapple King
Misc. Info:Well I like to consider myself tall though some may argue it. My hair is a vivid shade of blue. I like to play forum games as long as no bananas are involved. I am right now playing timemu just to listen to the music.
Special Powers:N/A
Weapons: Twig
Inventoryiece of a metal pipe
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

How do you propose to do that?

Name: JJ
Misc. Info:Im a pure jet (glossy black) cat that enjoys playing with balls of string and scratching/biting/poking random people. No one knows my past besides that I have a deep hatred for dogs, cause Im mysterious like that and my girlfriend history is also unknown.
Level: 1
EXP.: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon:Blunted spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

You attempt to push the bag into the fire but instead the spear pokes a hole through the bag with a loud ripping sound, and they wake up. You take the spear and run, but the bag is caught by the spear tip and it drags after you. They give chase.

Name: Yttikgnol
Misc. Info: White and creme colored kitty with dark gray swirls all over his body and random brown splotches. Is patient for a kitty, but not quite as patient as older cats, loves to help people but will only do so if convenient. Was the runt of the litter, dejected at birth, raised by a family of puppies who later tried to eat him. He wants revenge.
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Blunted Spear
Inventory: N/A
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

You run and run and suddenly fall into a hole.
20,591 posts

Name: Casey
Alliance: Kitty
Misc. Info:Gray with a scar running down his left eye, his girfriend he met when he was 13 and is still dating today (lolz girlfriend history)
Level: 1
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon: Metal Poker
Inventory: Banana x 2
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A

ERROR: Magical item not found
4,689 posts

Name:Pineapple King
Misc. Info:Well I like to consider myself tall though some may argue it. My hair is a vivid shade of blue. I like to play forum games as long as no bananas are involved. I am right now playing timemu just to listen to the music.
Special Powers:N/A
Weapons: Twig
Inventoryiece of a metal pipe
Money: N/A
Perks: N/A
Kinda like a blowgun. Are there any poisenous plants around?

Showing 16-30 of 103