This thread will work like every other Destroy the ____. I'll put up something, someone or things that you have to destroy, then you say how to destroy it (or defend it). You'll also have a certain amount of materials for example: A shoot the man, that may take fifty materials and deal 150 damage. Or for the defender I stitch up the man and give him a new heart, that may take 1000 materials, and heal forty health. You also can't say a dumb azz response like I throw Chuck Norris at him or I'll take away materials from the attackers stash and heal the man. You can only do one attack per post. You can gain up to 500 materials per post by just asking for it but you can't do anything else. Also clearly label yourselves as an attacker or defender. Two defenders max for this enemy and infinity attackers allowed.
This'll be the board:
Destroy:Zombie Horde Health:10 000 Weaknesses:Slow, dumb and weak to head shots Strengths: Nearly impossible to kill except for head shots Defenders: Attackers Resources: 1000 Defenders Resources: 1000 Dead Users:
I get a 30 mile long sword and cut Freddys head and some other parts off.
100 resources used, and 1000 damage dealt.
i try again with the cargo plane, but instead put napalm instead of fertilizer
350 resources used and 3000 damage dealt.
I dump 50 t of gunpowder on him using a cargo plane. I put a weak force field around the plane. I light the gunpowder.
150 resources used and 10 000 damage dealt
1250 resources used, and 25 000 damage dealt. -1500 every time I post to Freddy.
I inject specialized nanites into myself and Freddy. The nanites enhance regeneration of tissue and health by up to 200 percent and provides resistance against paralysis, poison, radiation and disease. Also, they slightly increase the user's strength, speed and intelligence and provide near total heat-masking ability.
500 resources used, 5000 health healed, radiation is cleared out of him, so the A-Bombs effect of -1500 every time I post is knocked off. And an extra 1500 to Freddy every post.
i attack Freddy with 50 Stealth AC130's with heat sinks
500 resources used and 10 000 damage dealt
I attack Freddy with a sniper rifle which throws injections that contain drugs and make Freddy dizzy.These drugs go from the veins to Freddy's brain and make him kill himself or kill tnymeh!
You miss tnymeh, use 100 resources and deal 1000 damage.
i make a bazooka and fire 2 rounds at freddy.
Lucky you don't have enough resources or Freddy would've paralyzed you.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WISEST POST tnymeh with:
I inject specialized nanites into myself and Freddy. The nanites enhance regeneration of tissue and health by up to 200 percent and provides resistance against paralysis, poison, radiation and disease. Also, they slightly increase the user's strength, speed and intelligence and provide near total heat-masking ability.
Strongest Post XxSacredxX with 25 000 damage dealt with an A-bomb!
Most Resources Used XxSacredxX with 1250 because he made an A-bomb
Fail Post(s) N/A
Destroy: Freddy Health: 6 500 Weaknesses: Fire, and can't see well Strengths: VERY VERY strong, and mad so he'll try to kill, anti posion, anti radiation, and anti drugs, and 1500 health healed every turn Defenders: tnymeh Defender's Resources: 50 Attacker's Resources: 2000 Powers: Comes back from the dead once more Hint: Attackers need more resources! Dead Users: +++
Im back! And I just got back from robbing every wal-mart in the world for resources for attackers.
500 resources gained.
i use my 50 Heat Sink Stealth AC130's to attack Freddy, but now they have flaming rounds
500 resources used, and 5000 damage done. You can't use the same attack twice and get the same damage done. Even if your using flamming rounds it's still the same basic attack.
i fire an emp round at freddy to disable the nanites.
Not enough resources
my men (2000) mine ore and cut trees for the attackers.
750 resources gained.
I use a helicopter to shuttle Freddie out of the combat zone and into the forests and quarries, using him to kill the workers and steal the resources.
250 resources stolen from the attackers
If I may? I strap a bomb to myself and run into him. Excuse my noob-ness please.
150 resources used and 1500 damage done plus your dead. Until Freddy the 4
Destroy: Freddy Health: 1 500 Weaknesses: Fire, and can't see well Strengths: VERY VERY strong, and mad so he'll try to kill, anti posion, anti radiation, and anti drugs, and 1500 health healed every turn Defenders: tnymeh Defender's Resources: 400 Attacker's Resources: 2000 Powers: Comes back from the dead once more Hint: Dead Users: Eless