This thread will work like every other Destroy the ____. I'll put up something, someone or things that you have to destroy, then you say how to destroy it (or defend it). You'll also have a certain amount of materials for example: A shoot the man, that may take fifty materials and deal 150 damage. Or for the defender I stitch up the man and give him a new heart, that may take 1000 materials, and heal forty health. You also can't say a dumb azz response like I throw Chuck Norris at him or I'll take away materials from the attackers stash and heal the man. You can only do one attack per post. You can gain up to 500 materials per post by just asking for it but you can't do anything else. Also clearly label yourselves as an attacker or defender. Two defenders max for this enemy and infinity attackers allowed.
This'll be the board:
Destroy:Zombie Horde Health:10 000 Weaknesses:Slow, dumb and weak to head shots Strengths: Nearly impossible to kill except for head shots Defenders: Attackers Resources: 1000 Defenders Resources: 1000 Dead Users:
i start a mining and logging camp that constantly gets attackers resources
500 resources gained every time I post.
I get into my Predator suit to trick the Predator, then use the newly developed chainsaw (1000 hp, but light enough to carry), and cut off the predators head.
150 resources used and 2500 damage dealt.
I amass an army of 100 aliens and marines and start a full on attack on the Predator
350 resources used, and 7500 dame dealt.
I also send an alien to kill alexstargazer
You can't try to kill a fellow attacker.
i start a secret project in an isolated area to breed aliens that are controlled by mind thorugh me
250 resources used and you now have 250 aliens to control.
Destroy: [b]Predator from Alien vs Predator Health: 90 000 Weaknesses: None Strengths: Plenty of weapons, and a missile type launcher Defenders: +++ Defender's Resources: 3250 Attacker's Resources: 3500 Powers: +++ Dead Users: +++ Hint: He will try to kill you more then Freddy did[/b]
i breed an alien queen, which definetly i have the most control of, which will spawn me more aliens. i also have 100 seek out the predator and kill it, while the rest guard the queen and myself.
i breed an alien queen, which definetly i have the most control of, which will spawn me more aliens. i also have 100 seek out the predator and kill it, while the rest guard the queen and myself.
No resources used, 2500 damage dealt, and 500 aliens you have under your command.
i'll take out a mechinegun and use it to keep attackers down.
100 resources used and you and the predator killed hynjie
i shoot the predator with a lazer gun.
Read the above post, and 150 resources used
I use a flamethrower onto the Predator.
100 resources used, and 2500 damage dealt, and your paralyzed for one turn not including this post
i pour hot chocolate on the predator
Your already dead, it'll take 500 resources to revive you.
I pour 50t gunpowder on him and light it.
I assume you meant by plane or your dead. 350 resources used, and 10 000 damage dealt
I get Optimus Prime to kick the predators ***.
750 resources used to build Optimus Prime and 15 000 damage dealt
I throw slime to the Predator w/ a goo gun. That means he sticks and cant make a move for 3-4 turns!
100 resources used and he can't kill anyone for two of my posts not including this one.
Destroy: Predator from Alien vs Predator Health: 70 000 Weaknesses: None Strengths: Plenty of weapons, and a missile type launcher, Defenders: sonicheroes Defender's Resources: 2050 Attacker's Resources: 3400 Powers: +++ Dead Users: hynjie State: Paralyzed for two more posts Hint: He will try to kill you more then Freddy did
Wisest Post sonicheroes because he killed hynjie with a machine gun
Strongest Post CommanderDude7 with 15 000 damage dealt by:I get Optimus Prime to kick the predators ***.
Most Resources Used CommanderDude7 with 750 resources used by:I get Optimus Prime to kick the predators ***
Fail Post(s) hynjie with:i pour hot chocolate on the predator
i install anti-rpg laser defens esystems all around thwe queen to protect from any rocket/missile threats. i then send my horde ( 400/500) of aliens to completely slaughter sonicheroes.