This thread will work like every other Destroy the ____. I'll put up something, someone or things that you have to destroy, then you say how to destroy it (or defend it). You'll also have a certain amount of materials for example: A shoot the man, that may take fifty materials and deal 150 damage. Or for the defender I stitch up the man and give him a new heart, that may take 1000 materials, and heal forty health. You also can't say a dumb azz response like I throw Chuck Norris at him or I'll take away materials from the attackers stash and heal the man. You can only do one attack per post. You can gain up to 500 materials per post by just asking for it but you can't do anything else. Also clearly label yourselves as an attacker or defender. Two defenders max for this enemy and infinity attackers allowed.
This'll be the board:
Destroy:Zombie Horde Health:10 000 Weaknesses:Slow, dumb and weak to head shots Strengths: Nearly impossible to kill except for head shots Defenders: Attackers Resources: 1000 Defenders Resources: 1000 Dead Users:
Destroy: Zombie Health: 10 000 (have to reach 10 000 to kill it) Weaknesses: Slow, dumb Strengths: Strong everywhere Defenders: Hullabaloo and sonicheroes96 Attackers Resources: 2082 Defenders Resources: 300 Dead Users: Bluydee
i use an orbital space lazer similar to the shoop da whoop on the zombie(and sonic, if possible)
1000 resources used and 5000 damage done
Destroy: Chucky The Invincible Maniach Doll Health: 25 000 Weaknesses: Small and short Strengths: Titanium armor, lasor shooting eyes, and steel sharp knives for weapons Defenders: Three max Attackers Resources: 1000 Defenders: 1000 Hint: Don't try shooting it with a pistol
REMINDER If you ask for resources you gain 500 each time no questions asked but when you ask for resources you can't put anything else in that post.
i use an orbital space lazer similar to the shoop da whoop on the zombie(and sonic, if possible)
[b]Destroy: Chucky The Invincible Maniach Doll Health: 25 000 Weaknesses: Small and short Strengths: Titanium armor, lasor shooting eyes, and steel sharp knives for weapons Defenders: Three max Attacker's Resources: 1000 Defender's Resources: 1000 Hint: Don't try shooting it with a pistol Dead Users: ---
REMINDER If you ask for resources you gain 500 each time no questions asked but when you ask for resources you can't put anything else in that post.
For future reference just copy and post the lazer bit. Other than that 750 materials used and no damage done to Chucky but since sonich dived in front of it with a mirror, the mirror broke and paralyzed sonich for two of my posts this one not counting.
i use a mirror to reflect the lazer.
Read the above post, and you should of used more than one mirror. Also ten materials used for the mirror.
Destroy: Chucky The Invincible Maniach Doll Health: 25 000 Weaknesses: Small and short Strengths: Titanium armor, lasor shooting eyes, and steel sharp knives for weapons Defenders: sonicheroes95 Attacker's Resources: 750 Defender's Resources: 990 Hint: Don't try shooting it with a pistol Dead Users: ---
BEST POST rick073 Because he paralyzed sonicheroes95 for two turns.