lol if you think that star treck is better than your an idiot, no offense though. Starwars is good because it has epic battles, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Gandalf, and my favorite YODA. Of course if you think Star Treck is better, well then you always have an intergalactic spaceship flying elf named spock.
lol your crazy bruh spock is an elf, thats what vulcans are space elfs. Just cause he drives a space ship dosent make him not an elf. Thats like saying kenny from south park isnt human because he dies and comes back alive. Good point about the lightsabers though your wrong because I like starwars for yoda yyou know what im saying?
yes it is good. i go vulcan and 4 gate my way to victoria. i am high jedi master bordering on grandmaster, so u can ask me question if u do not know something