ForumsGame WalkthroughsMonster Basement - Walkthrough

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14 posts

An awesome game by godlimations. ANd i'm making an helpful walkthrough for it.

1. From beginning screen, turn right once.
2. Click on stairs.
3. Click on bottom left of first poster. Get Green Key. Go back to room.
4. Click right once. Click on top left book on shelf.
5. Click in lower left corner outside of book shelf.
6. Take gold piece.
7. Click back to room, go right until looking at phone.
8. Goto second drawer and take Handyman note.
9. Look in trash can under right part of table. Take purple bottle and crumpled piece of paper.
10. Go back to room, click on vials on right side of table.
11. Take gold piece on table.
12. Use purple bottle in inventory, and fill with red bubbling liquid.
13. Read crumpled piece of paper.
14. Go back to room and click on phone.
15. Dial Salvation (725828466)
16. Hang up phone, go right twice, and spray flies with purple bottle.
17. Take Axe and turn off lights.
18. Click on stairs, get note from Salvation, and open it, and take item.
19. Go back to phone and dial handyman (944521644)
20. Go back to stairs and take handyman package, open and take item.
19. Go back to room. Open book with green key, take gold key.
20. Look up at cieling and use handyman tool to open lights and take lightbulb.
20. Go back to room and turn to face wooden door, and break down with Axe. Go into door.
21. Use lightbulb, and place in dark circle on cieling.
22. Use Axe to kill monster.
23. Click on top of fridge to the left and take silver key.
24. Click on lower right of fridge and take gold piece.
25. Go back to main room and face table with phone and drawers.
26. Use gold key on lower drawer and take gold piece.
27. Turn to face book shelf and click on golden circle.
28. Use gold pieces in order and place in circle. Once complete, take Salvation gift and place on golden object.
29. With eye open turn to face wall with pictures and shadow of "fish".
30. Click on tip of "fish" shadow to focus in. Repeatedly click above where the tip is until wall opens.
26. Take vial and heart.
27. Turn to phone and answer it.
28. Turn to cage and open with silver key.
29. Click on red blanket. Then click it again to take it.
30. Turn to door with stairs.
31. Use blanket to cover flies.
32. Click on stairs and hang heart on first hook.
33. Go back to room and face the cage. Give red bottle to dead guy.

If you can't quite understand what to do on some parts i have a plan B

A nice walkthrough which you can view and understand nicely:

  • 3 Replies
4,689 posts

Oh another point and click game? A bit longer than the reincarnation ones too. Yay!

14 posts

Yes. And its a good one ! If you play it then play the second part MB:2

639 posts

i had a walkthrough on youtube, but i got rid of it. i like the first better than the second.

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