Story: 25 people can join. As the Iron Curtain fell, a renegade unit of US soldiers attacked a Russian Border town. The Russians thought it was war now, and they attacked the bunkers on the border. The raidiation cloud from the nucuelear small arms covered the border. WW3 had begun.
Objective: You as a country, need to protect yourself. Your objectives are: 1. Develop Neceulear Weapons, 2. Develop Nuke Shelters in Each City, 3. Gain 10000 of each recource. (Each Nuteral country starts with a thousand of each recource.)
Objective for America and Soviet Union: 1. Destroy either country, 2. Gain 100000 of each recourse, 3. Have 5 allies. (Each Superpower gets 10000 of each recource.)
Layouts: Name of Country: Continent that the Country is on: Capital City: Nukes Developed: Yes/No? (This is set in 1950) Recources: (A thousand for each country that's not America or Russia, 10000 for Russia and America) Population: (This will go down each attack a country makes.) Army Size: (This will go down each battle you lose.) How many Nukes: (How many nukes the country has.)
Dotmania conquers Poland,Germany and Belgium. Almost entire Europe is theirs. Azerbajian invades Georgia and has a farmer revolt because of the war: -10000 population Japan gets a baby boom: +10000 population Israel finds some black gold again: +1000 resources Now a word from our sponsors: If you need a stain removed, use KABOOM!
Layouts:?? Name of Country:Azerbaijan Continent that the Country is on:East Europe/West Asia Capital City: Nukes Developed:No? Recources:2000 Population:10,000,000 (were a small country) Army Size: 2,000,000 How many Nukes:0
use local polices to deal with the revolt (less lethal than using army to deal with them)
Layouts: on a island Name of Country: Japan Continent that the Country is on:eastern asia? Capital City:Tokyo Nukes Developed: no Recources: 650 Population: 38,001,000 Army Size: 10,000 How many Nukes: none
uses 10000 ppl to search for resourses
50 resouses into developing a assault rifle for army
Name of Country: Dotmania Continent that the Country is on: Europe Capital City: Buchdam Nukes Developed: No Recources: 5700 Population: 65,171,878 Army Size: 7,743,615 How many Nukes: none
Name of Country: Israel Continent that the Country is on: Middle east Capital City: Jerusalem Nukes Developed: Yes Recources: 13400 Population: 182,171,400(today) Army Size: 3,469,504 (today) How many Nukes: 4 Cat population: -100000 Nuclear vaults: yes
I nuke Buchdam and dotmanias HQ. I continue to research hydrogen bombs. I attack all the south shore of the mediterenian.
@ChillzMaster, you can only do one turn per month.