ForumsGame WalkthroughsAchievement Unlocked 2 - Stop Asking Already

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9,434 posts

All the achievements that aren't exactly what it says on the tin (or label in the walkthrough) or something you will most likely get without even trying.

31) Thirsty - Drink some water
32) Save the Whales - Drink all the water
* These two are done with the water bottle next to the hamster wheel in your Home.

36) One... - Go once over the wheel
37) Two... - Go twice over the wheel
38) Three... - Go three times over the wheel
39) Four... - Go four times over the wheel
40) Five! - Go five times over the wheel
* How to: Get on the hamster wheel, run it till it's at max speed, stop running, whoosh.

46) Corpse Loop - Get a corpse into an infinite loop
* Panic Button ftw.

126) Relapse - Panic while touching a checkpoint
* Is occasionally buggy, but just hit Panic a few times on every floor until you get it.

128) Clicky - Click click clickaroo
* Cliiiiick.

133) So Happy! - Make a happy face with keyboard letters
* Very annoying on keyboards that aren't of the default English layout. Just keep hitting the keys.

136) Waltzing Ma - Push the tilda key (~)
137) Partial Colon - Push the semicolon
* Also annoying on different keyboards. Keep pressing those buttons.

144) Ode to Joy - Play Ode to Joy on the Piano
145) Twinkle Twinkle - Play Twinkle Twinkle (Little Star) on the Piano
146) Row Row Row Your Boat - Play Row your Boat on the Piano
* E, E, F, G, G, F, E, (D)
* Low C, low C, G, G, A, A, G
* Low C, low C, low C, D, E

153) Fort Alpha - Find Hidey Hole 1
* Lower middle of first floor, in the "room" "blocked" by a launcher.
154) Fort Beta - Find Hidey Hole 2
* Upper left of first floor, under the spikes.

155) Fort Gamma - Find Hidey Hole 3
* Middle of second floor. Straight to the left of the respawn point.
156) Fort Delta - Find Hidey Hole 4
* Upper left part of second floor, in the lower of the two long paths.

157) Fort Zeta - Find Hidey Hole 5
* Upper left part of third floor, in the hard to reach half-room.
158) Fort Eta - Find Hidey Hole 6
* Right side of third floor, in the lower of the indentations in the wall.

159) Fort Theta - Find Hidey Hole 7
* Middleish of fourth floor. Jump straight up and go right from the respawn point.
160) Fort Iota - Find Hidey Hole 8
* Upper right part of fourth floor. Right under those spikes in the "tough to jump to" spot.

161) Fort Kappa - Find Hidey Hole 9
* Fifth floor, upper right part, pretty much where you will land if you manage to avoid the spikes by the elevator launcher.
162) Fort Lambda - Find Hidey Hole 10
* To the lower far left on fifth floor. Really, it's almost too obvious that there is something in that spot.

177) RGB - Stop the reels on Elephant, Llama, Giraffe
* If you hadn't caught on: Elephant = Red, Llama = Green, Giraffe = Blue, and Emu = Yellow.

192) EleClick - Hey, that tickles!
* Click the elephant.

193) Won't Follow Directions - You just had to do it...
* Right click the game, disobey the "Don't Click Here".

202) I Can't Live With This - Die outside
* Took me a while to remember the panic button here.

204) Two Browser Windows - Open two browser windows of the same game
* The same game being Achievement Unlocked 2. Oh snap!

205) Break Time! - Find the hot coffee feature
* This will make sense once you do the above.
213) The Final Straw - Stand on top of the straw
* In the secret secret room accessed from the coffee feature.

221) Hey, a Pastry! - Poop a Pastry
* Spacebar.

235) Aww Poor Puppy - Look hopeless
* I think you just have to stand around for a bit, not 100% sure on this, though.

Thar. That should be all the not-so-obvious ones. Now stop asking already! D:

  • 47 Replies
9,434 posts

Also lulz at the all caps thread I just deleted, shouting at people to stop asking...

You don't stop questions by shouting. You stop them by answering. Or so I hope... >_>

11,891 posts

ur meen sofeuh. whoosh!

I think it's clear there is an inherent problem with the game setup and the keyboard issue that affects users with different keyboard than your standard QWERTY should've been posted first. Also it took me 20 minutes to figure out it's :-) and not or . This game is so 90's.

844 posts

Hahaha,this would have been helpful If I didn't beat it,it was very annoying how I had to google those 3 songs you have to play,on the second floor,I know nothing about the piano!

9,434 posts

I think it's clear there is an inherent problem with the game setup and the keyboard issue that affects users with different keyboard than your standard QWERTY should've been posted first. Also it took me 20 minutes to figure out it's :-) and not or . This game is so 90's.
Oh yeah, this~ I don't even know how I got the face, was just randomly mashing buttons in search of tilde and semicolon > >...

Hahaha,this would have been helpful If I didn't beat it,it was very annoying how I had to google those 3 songs you have to play,on the second floor,I know nothing about the piano!
I had to google them too... I know how they go, I know how notes work, I didn't know what notes they started on. :<
440 posts

you deleted my thread???

lol oh well. it took me nearly an hour to do it myself, and yes i used the walkthrough when i was stuck. i was just very annoyed that not only were people asking for help, but they continued to ask about the same ones. (the smiley face mainly)

102 posts

I think it's clear there is an internet problem with the game setup and the keyboard issue that affects users with a different keyboard than your standard QWERTY should've been posted first. Also it took me 20 minutes to figure out it's :-) and not or . This game is so 90's.

For me it was
9,434 posts

you deleted my thread???

lol oh well. it took me nearly an hour to do it myself, and yes i used the walkthrough when i was stuck. i was just very annoyed that not only were people asking for help, but they continued to ask about the same ones. (the smiley face mainly)
I understand your frystration with it, but rather than breaking forum rules/policies you should try to stop it in a constructive way~
1 posts

How do you get achievement 140? Could it not be working because I'm using a Mac? I tried clicking the mouse wheel but it did not work

1,360 posts

'140) Paste in Notepad - Push the centre of the wheel'

It means the hamster wheel in your home, push the circle in the middle of it.
Not the mouse.
Bad wording.

1,059 posts

how do u go to the coffee place

2 posts

I'm having alot of trouble getting Twinkle Twinkle to work...

9,434 posts

I'm having alot of trouble getting Twinkle Twinkle to work...
The order of the keys you have to hit is in the OP. Note that the C you need to hit is the one to the left side.

Bonus walkthrough for the Coffee Quest (unrelated to the funky java games of that name):

205) Break Time! - Find the hot coffee feature
* Open Achievement Unlocked 2 in a second tab or window. Do not close the one you were playing in. Once the second one loads, your elephant is in a red/black room shaped like a coffee mug.

206) Break Off! - Start playing again on the main screen
* Exactly what it says on the tin. Although you'll wanna get the other "secret" achievements beforehand.

207) Buzz - Move around in the coffee feature
* ... Well, press up/left/right in the second instance of AU2.

208) The Burn! - Jump in the hot coffee mug
* Jump up into the part of the secret level shaped roughly like a mug. Stand in the cup under the steam.

209) Warm... - Fall below the hot coffee stage
* There is a hole you can fall through in the coffee stage. Should be easy to spot.

210) Colder... - Fall further below the coffee stage
* Just fall through the gray.

211) Even Colder... - Fall even further below the coffee stage
* Keep falling...

212) Cold Coffee! - Find the secret secret stage
* Blue and white colours here. This is where you'll land if you just fall.

213) The Final Straw - Stand on top of the straw
* The straw in the cup of cold coffee.
50 posts

How do you do the barrel roll?

9,434 posts
2 posts

Gantic, it worked for me however after good 30 minutes with =D. Dunno why the game likes you. By the way, for the German keyboards, the SEMICOLON KEY is the ü key. I know, it's trüe. Ãnd nöw shüt Ã&frac14. Lülz.

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