I have watched few tutorials on youtube and I decided to make my own game and I made it...kind of, you can download it at link below
Size: 33KB Duration: 6 seconds :/
Comment, what do you think...PS its not very easy to make flash games it took me good ammount of time to make this and its only few seconds long, if you are planning to make (real/good) flash game you won't be able to do it in one day or one week, maybe more than month..
60 seconds...yea that's 10 times longer than game lol I did this just to show to friend how would game like that look like, thats why its only few seconds long and thats why walking and atacking looks cheap
I did it...this one is something like Coca-Cola vending machine simulation..you put in money chose product and wait for coca-cola to come out, but there is also way to get a free coca-cola by hacking machine, you can search for it on google (its same as in real life)
Now its getting boring and persistent. Try making a long and enjoyable game. I know the games have something into them, and its good, but c'mon, step it up.
For those who don't know: Click the 4th button then 3rd, then 1st, then 2nd. Then click the third, then 4th then free coke.lulz
It takes alot of time to do longer game, I took me 6 hours to make this one, I don't have that much time on my hands and I don't really have a good idea for a game
actually its 4, 2, 3, to enter menu (hack) and then
It takes alot of time to do longer game, I took me 6 hours to make this one, I don't have that much time on my hands and I don't really have a good idea for a game
6 hours to make that???? That's way off dude. Unless of course your a COMPLETE beginner, its a good start.
6 hours to make that???? That's way off dude. Unless of course your a COMPLETE beginner, its a good start.
I know It looks really simple I can do all programming stuff in about an hour, but drawing it is a problem, its hard to draw something precisely, when I zoom up and draw something it looks ok but when I zoom back to normal size some lines curved and some looks thicker then others, then I need to delete and draw again that lines and hope it won't happen again and also it took me some time to find sounds and putting them at right place can be tricky