the name is self explanatoryp1 im firstp2i shoot you with a 44.mag
I shoot JMWraith with a harppoon
I shoot Archknight with a nuke.
I shoot Halofan3 with a water gun.
i shoot chrisyi with a stream of urine
I shoot nevetsthereaper with an ice ray.
I shoot ArchKnight with my super hype galactic Rifle !!
I shoot Rizwizkid with...Something Meele.
i shoot theakguy with the shoop da whoop
I shoot rick073 with antimaterybomb :P
I shoot FinnDragon with a bow
i shoot Doombreed with a dc-15a blaster rifle
I shoot fantomen with an AK-47
I shoot you with a knife (i throw it).
I call Popeye to shoot you!
I shoot you with a zebra!
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