so ive always loved and i decided that i want to start making flash games now i have a few questions about getting started. so im 15 now and im wondering if i need to be 18? which sorta brings me to the question of if we get paid for the games? im assuming if we don't get paid you don't have to be 18, Right? but if we do could i send in the game i made in my parents name? anywho theres no way my mom is going to buy me a 800 program unless shes absolutly certain its going to be used. so i was thinking if i could download the trial multiple times i could learn as3, and make some smaller games to help pay for the full version? i know im probaly sounding like a idiot and i don't mean to have my first post be a bunch of questions. so sorry about that. hope to see you around, -Chris (thats me real name )
P.S this is a re-post from the newcomers forum because i wasn't sure were to post it