991ca239b4fe2a76c7690082d861 see the problem? the enemy won't move or attack, how do i make him move and attack the player? actionscript 2, please help.
i want it to be a fighting game, and that the enemy follows the player and attack( like in rage 3) the instance name of the enemy is enemy and the instance name of the player is hero
if(_root.Hero._x > this._x){ this._x += 1; } if(_root.Hero._x < this._x){ this._x -= 1; } Just mix that with the movement code the hero uses and it will work.
you want the enemy to follow the hero, so make the enemy move towards the hero (like the above code is trying to do), but you're not changing the enemy._x value.
trace this out and see what they are when you run it
set the key controls to move the hero left and right so you can test to see if the enemy follows.