ForumsWEPR[Necro] Does God exist?

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since there really s no topic on whether or not he really exists and created people i decided to make one

start debating... NOW!

  • 696 Replies
1,573 posts

im just sharing my thoughts
thats not trolling
wtf i dont have a history for trolling
besides ur the one who is starting the fight
dont be a hypocrite dude

Your antagonizing for a start. Also assuming "we" dont know about religion is condescending. Your not sharing anything but a thoughtless, bias view of life in a way that most people on earth dont agree with.
304 posts

im just sharing my thoughts
thats not trolling
wtf i dont have a history for trolling
besides ur the one who is starting the fight
dont be a hypocrite dude

what are you doing here noob? you have a history of trolling this section. You're going to be the next 420 if you don't stop...


I believe that the world couldnt have been created as it is without God
3,085 posts

Really? Why do you believe that? We have lots of evidence and theories that work together to give us a pretty good idea of how the world came to be how it is today - none if it involves a deity.

9,462 posts

My philosophy is that, while I do not believe there is a creator deity, if there is and we are truly created in it's image then it gave us our ability to reason through things, apply logic to questions, and gain intelligence and wisdom. By using these same things that religious people would call 'god given talents' I have found no basis for the belief in said deity, however if that deity is there and you folks are right then you are slapping it in the face every time you discard these unique abilities in favor of following baseless claim.

On top of this, if such a being does exist then he made everything to appear by the logic and reasoning that being gave us that he doesn't exist. This would seem to indicate that if such a being does exist it wouldn't want us believing and worshiping it.

Some might argue that it is this way because this existence is some sort of test. I find this unlikely as there would be nothing to be gained from such a test. Only something to lose.
1,059 posts

mage you always talk about how everyone thinks their religion is the only way.
arent you doing the same thing by saying "we have evidence so trust the big bang"
i didnt quote you word for word but it still gets the point through
also send me a link to show me you have proof of the big bang

3,085 posts

Here is some information about, and proof of, the big bang.

Also, everyone says their religion is correct based on FAITH - we assert the big bang happened because of PROOF. These are 2 different concepts.

89 posts

The Big Bang doesn't disprove the existence of a deity. It seems possible to have both the big bang, and a deity who created it. Additionally I have yet to see scientific explanations for why the big bang started, or where that initial matter and energy came from.

9,462 posts

arent you doing the same thing by saying "we have evidence so trust the big bang"

I accept theories based on the evidence for them.
There is a world of difference between believing something with no objective evidence and believing in something that does. One has no rational basis for the belief and can even go as far as ignoring facts we do have, while the other does have a rational basis and follows where the facts lead.

Additionally I have yet to see scientific explanations for why the big bang started, or where that initial matter and energy came from.

The one hypothesis off the top of my head had to do with gravity splitting from the other forces resulting in the singularity expanding.
Hypothesis on where the initial matter, it could have been budded off from another universe, this is something coming from M theory. You have to look it up I don't know much about it.
Another possibility is that the singularity was always there.
9,462 posts

mage you always talk about how everyone thinks their religion is the only way.
arent you doing the same thing by saying "we have evidence so trust the big bang"
i didnt quote you word for word but it still gets the point through
also send me a link to show me you have proof of the big bang

I would also like to point out that non of this addresses anything I said in my last post.
8,256 posts

A man hears about Big Bang and sees a paradoxical explosion of nothingness into something. He looks at the laws of physics and sees the death of the universe. He looks at the state of the world and sees it crumbling around him as it's reaching the point of no return. He sees, but can't phantom.

A man hears with awe what our brain is capable to do. He is charmed by the beauty of the universe, he gets excited when he starts to understand how everything works.

Seriously, mentioning only half of the things isn't a valid argument to anything. I understand that some things may seem dark to you, but if you let yourself get brought down by such things you're a pessimist. Not everything is lost. There's beauty in life, even from a scientific point of view; I'd even dare to say especially from a scientific point of view. I'm not saying anything against your belief, I respect that you believe in something that I don't, but please accept that not anyone is thinking like you and that other people see things from another angle.
9,462 posts

A man hears about Big Bang and sees a paradoxical explosion of nothingness into something.

Just for the record the Big Bang was an expansion of everything from a singularity, not an explosion from nothing.
5 posts

It seems as the Big Bang might have been part of something bigger. Maybe there was something before Big Bang, maybe there were already planets, who after billions of years finally all corroded into gas and eventually met up in a huge gathering of atoms. The ball is of course spinning at an extreme speed and there would eventually be enough atoms for it to explode. This is then the Big Bang theory.

But does this mean that perhaps there have been someone before us? Maybe there have been another Earth. Maybe there have been 5 billion other Earths, how would we know? What if this is just a sick joke the universe likes to play on us? Maybe they're just waiting. Watching. Or maybe this is just something that happens after billions of years when the galaxies finally stop, and return.

No? Find this hard to believe? I suppose the Atheists on the forums might. But this what I just explained is exactly how religion works.

There's a chance this might happen. But there's an even bigger chance that it didn't happen. There is no proof whatsoever of this, but I say it happened. I believe in it. Am I being ridiculous for it? I am no less ridiculous than Christians.

9,462 posts

It seems as the Big Bang might have been part of something bigger. Maybe there was something before Big Bang, maybe there were already planets, who after billions of years finally all corroded into gas and eventually met up in a huge gathering of atoms. The ball is of course spinning at an extreme speed and there would eventually be enough atoms for it to explode. This is then the Big Bang theory.

The Big Bang deals with the expansion of the universe not just the matter in the universe. Also the term before here can only be used in a very loose way since technically since there was no space "before" the Big Bang there was also no time as the two are essentially one in the same. So the concepts of before and after are moot.
5 posts

[/quote]The Big Bang deals with the expansion of the universe not just the matter in the universe. Also the term before here can only be used in a very loose way since technically since there was no space "before" the Big Bang there was also no time as the two are essentially one in the same. So the concepts of before and after are moot.

No, that's not entirely true. According to the Big Bang theory, before the Big Bang there were atoms. Atoms roaming round the universe being useless. Eventually, these would be sucked towards the middle of the universe (perhaps by a black hole/star?). But there must be matter to create matter. You can't simply create something from nothing. Where did these atoms come from, however? That's nothing I can say at the moment, but I'm guessing they were always there, or the completely ludicrous theory of mine, that this isn't the first time this has happened.

I'm not sure if you understood the point of my post, I was explaining that something happening before was exactly that. Ridiculous, but possible.

9,462 posts

No, that's not entirely true. According to the Big Bang theory, before the Big Bang there were atoms. Atoms roaming round the universe being useless. Eventually, these would be sucked towards the middle of the universe (perhaps by a black hole/star?). But there must be matter to create matter.

No it is the expansion of the universe, that includes spacetime.
Another misconception is that we tend to image the singularity as a little fireball appearing somewhere in space. According to the many experts however, space didn't exist prior to the Big Bang.

But there must be matter to create matter. You can't simply create something from nothing. Where did these atoms come from, however?

Everything was in an infinitely dense infinitely hot form known as a singularity. Also matter doesn't create matter, matter and energy isn't created or destroyed it simply changes form.

I'm not sure if you understood the point of my post, I was explaining that something happening before was exactly that. Ridiculous, but possible.

Yeah I got that. What I was saying is technically there was no before.
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