ForumsWEPR[Necro] Does God exist?

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since there really s no topic on whether or not he really exists and created people i decided to make one

start debating... NOW!

  • 696 Replies
1,059 posts

also in the bible it says dont test god
but all you do is test god to see if hes there

9,462 posts

also in the bible it says dont test god
but all you do is test god to see if hes there

If this being does exist and didn't want me learning and asking questions then perhaps he should have left out the inquisitive nature.
9,462 posts

You know that's another issue I have with the Bible. All those parts talking about how we shouldn't ask questions, learn and treats gaining knowledge as a bad thing.

383 posts

That is the only aspect of the Bible I do not agree on gaining knowledge is the best thing that you can do.

1,133 posts

Okay this is news to me where does it say in the Bible that knowledge is a bad thing?

3,086 posts

most gods and religions and gods stem from the fear of the unknown. so no god doesn't exist

9,462 posts

Okay this is news to me where does it say in the Bible that knowledge is a bad thing?

We start the whole thing off with gaining knowledge of good and evil= sin.

Believing without proof regarded as a good thing.

John 20:29 (NIV)
Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

And as Noob said the ever famous "don't test God".

Matthew 4:7 (NIV)
Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

For just a few examples.
4,005 posts

Okay this is news to me where does it say in the Bible that knowledge is a bad thing?

Genesis. God made man. Man was bored, so god made woman. Man and woman had no wisdom, no knowledge. They had no understanding of right and wrong. God told them not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and (lying to them) told them that they would die if they did. Satan, disguised as a serpent, told Eve the truth, that the fruit wasn't fatal, but instead would grant her knowledge.

She ate the fruit, and shared with Adam. For this God banished them from paradise. Question: If Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong how can the be responsible for doing something wrong? It's like throwing out your infant child because he pulls the cat's tail after you tell him not to. He doesn't know any better.

It is your job as a parent to educate your children and teach them right and wrong, but God didn't do this, instead he told his children NOT to learn right and wrong, and when they learned, he banished them. Good thing he isn't real, because God is a shitty parent.
1,059 posts

they would know good from evil not right from wrong
wrong isnt evil

4,005 posts

they would know good from evil not right from wrong
wrong isnt evil

Well then what is evil?

The most prominent definition of evil is "that which is accepted as morally wrong or bad". Seems pretty clear that wrong = evil. Also, if you don't have knowledge of right and wrong you cannot possess morals and hence would have no knowledge of good and evil. These things come each from the other.
53 posts

god is the result of an overactive imagination, hope, and a desire to make the world a better place. He does not exist but that doesn't mean we shouldn't read the bible. It has really good life lessons.

4,871 posts

Man and woman had no wisdom, no knowledge. They had no understanding of right and wrong.

They had wisdom and knowledge just not understanding of moral concepts as they had never seen a "bad" act committed.

God told them not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and (lying to them) told them that they would die if they did.

The wages of sin are death, it wasn't a lie so much as an indirect truth.

Question: If Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong how can the be responsible for doing something wrong?

Just using the idea that the story is true they knew what was right and what wasn't right. That is everything they knew and eating the fruit respectively.

but God didn't do this, instead he told his children NOT to learn right and wrong, and when they learned, he banished them.

I ask you if your children did not have to live in a world where evil existed yet you knew of evil would you teach them about it?

There seemed a lack of any debate on this so I'll play devils advocate.
3,437 posts

Look who's back! I just gave up with this whole deal. Truthfully I haven't the heart for anything right now...

4,871 posts

Look who's back! I just gave up with this whole deal. Truthfully I haven't the heart for anything right now...

I've found I'm better at debating on the Christian side, 16 years of practice does that too you. It's a good exercise anyway.

I know what you mean though, I'm a bit tired of this.
4,005 posts

Just using the idea that the story is true they knew what was right and what wasn't right. That is everything they knew and eating the fruit respectively.

I disagree. If they had not yet eaten of the tree, and only the fruit of the tree gave knowledge of good and evil (right and wrong) then they had no basis for comprehension as to why they would be forbidden from doing anything.

If you are not aware that something is wrong then what is your motivation for avoiding it? You have none. We get our motivation from our understanding. A child will touch a hot burner because they don't understand hot = pain. We, as older beings, understand that wrong = pain hence we avoid wrong actions. They did not have this understanding so to punish them for making such a decision is quite inappropriate.

The wages of sin are death, it wasn't a lie so much as an indirect truth.

This could be interpreted that way I suppose. According to some legends Adam and Eve were supposed to be immortal, but then again even after they were banished from paradise they lived some hundreds of years, so death certainly took a long time coming. Either way it wasn't exactly honest either.

Just using the idea that the story is true they knew what was right and what wasn't right.

How could one know right from wrong if one has never experienced or been taught about what is right and wrong? There was nothing wrong in paradise so no way for them to have knowledge of it. Also, the ideas of right and wrong are moral decisions. Without an idea of what is and is not right then one is incapable of discerning morals.

I ask you if your children did not have to live in a world where evil existed yet you knew of evil would you teach them about it?

If evil didn't exist then I would have no knowledge of it to teach them. However it does exist, just as it did in the story, and it is my duty as a loving parent to ensure that my children are aware of the world around them.

Evil DID exist in the garden, Satan was there in the form of a serpent. God knew this, yet did nothing to prepare his creation for this. Had he done so I doubt adam and eve would have eaten the apple, hence no 'original sin'. An all knowing all powerful god could have done this, and an all loving one would have done this.
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