ForumsWEPR[Necro] Does God exist?

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15,053 posts

since there really s no topic on whether or not he really exists and created people i decided to make one

start debating... NOW!

  • 696 Replies
879 posts

Yes he does, your proofs in the Bible.

Where exactly?^^
440 posts

who would set matter in motion, it could just exist, but not move, so therefore, any object must beset in motion by another object, therefore, God did that!

3,817 posts

Yes he does, your proofs in the Bible.

*Muslim comes up* Ha! You just proved Allah! The proof is in the Koran! *Scientology pushes him out of the way* NO! My religion is true, it says so in this... *Mormon pushes him out of the way* NO! Mine is right! It says right here in the book of...*Atheist pushes him out of the way* You do realize you cannot prove something with itself? Using your logic, the lord of the rings is true...

everything in nature must have been set in motion, therefore something must have always been, therefore, God.

Steven Hawking stated they don't....
9,462 posts

Yes he does, your proofs in the Bible.

Give me an example of something I can objectively test from the Bible that proves God exists.

who would set matter in motion, it could just exist, but not move, so therefore, any object must beset in motion by another object, therefore, God did that!

This is really nothing more then a God of the gaps argument. Even if your first premise was correct all we could honestly answer this with would be "we don't know", but you've added the extra "God did it".

Really this is as good as saying...
"who would set matter in motion, it could just exist, but not move, so therefore, any object must beset in motion by another object, therefore, Magic pixies did that!"
9,462 posts

What is the point in proving god to not exist?

If you prove that God doesn't exist you can show that all religions lie.

Thanks for reading my first post.

We really can't prove a negative so we can only ask for proof of his existence. If no proof exists we can reasonably assume he's not real.
879 posts

therefore, Magic pixies did that

NO! It was the Flying Spaghetti Monster
440 posts

stephen hawkings does not think about anything other then astophysics, nothing about religious philosophy, and about the God of all creation. and okok, magic pixies didnt do it tho, you dont understand that there s no law of the universe, and God exists.

879 posts

magic pixies didnt do it tho, you dont understand that there s no law of the universe, and God exists.

And how the hell do you know this? Why was it God and not some f*ckin pixis? Maybe they are God?
641 posts

good luck on this one, this is one of those things, like is reality real. PROVE IT, how??? um you can say he's not needed, but couldn't he be the entity that assembled it, i mean, what was before the big bang, what was before that, and how do you know he's not some fat guy on an omnipotent LAZ-E-BOY.

8,256 posts

God is in everything.

So where's the trouble in proving him, if he's in everything and if everything is him? And stop making such pseudo-wise saints comments and start debating rationally please.
4,005 posts

Yes he does, your proofs in the Bible.

I love that you have such a capacity for logical thought. By your logic then ents are real, because they are in The Lord of the Rings, sparkling vampires are real because they are in Twilight, and talking pigs are real because they are in the Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Again, if you have no proof other than a book, then you have no proof at all. There are millions of imaginary things which exist in books. If one is real simply because it exists in a book then they all are real for the same reason.
27 posts

I agree with the few people who actually think. There is no real proof God really exists that cannot be logically disagreed (I am so sorry for my English, for the moment I am too lazy to look up the words I need) and also there is no real proof that he doesn't exist. The thing is God exists when people believe in him. It is a great help for the weak to know that he is there for them, that they wont have to feel lonely and that they will go to heaven when the light dies. It isn't about God, it is about the relation between you and that God. It is about the people who have that relation with God. It is about the people who violate the relation with God to do some stupid things in his name, like all the shit that happened in the past. I'm getting a bit chaotic, I apologize.
The thing is: God does actually exist in the hearts of them who believe in him. I for one, don't belief in such thing as someone who lives in heaven and is almighty. I do believe that God helps the weak, the not knowing, the simple. He helps those people get by, he makes them happy. Even in our eyes he doesn't exist.

71 posts

Why should we believe god is real?
Because the Bible tells us so.
Why should we believe the bible?
Because the Bible is always right.
Why should we believe the bible is always right?
Because God tells us so.

Repeat several million times. It's just a big circle.

8,256 posts

I agree with Roetergast in almost everything that he says. It's one of the few good sides of faith, it gives people hope where they wouldn't find any elsewhere. Yet it is sadly a sword with two edges, and it is very sharp. It's almost impossible to handle it without cutting something.

9,462 posts

you dont understand that there s no law of the universe, and God exists.

How do you come to this conclusion?

but couldn't he be the entity that assembled it

Why does it have to be an entity at all? Further more adding the extra step only complicates things forcing us to then ask who created God. If we are to say God always existed, then why can't we save the step and apply the same quality to the stuff of the universe?

i mean, what was before the big bang,

Your basically asking what existed before everything existed, it's a moot question.

The thing is God exists when people believe in him. It is a great help for the weak to know that he is there for them, that they wont have to feel lonely and that they will go to heaven when the light dies. It isn't about God, it is about the relation between you and that God. It is about the people who have that relation with God.

This relegates God to being nothing more then an imaginary friend for adults. Instead of wasting ones time diluting ourselves with falsehood we cold instead put all that effort in finding the real thing.

It is about the people who violate the relation with God to do some stupid things in his name, like all the **** that happened in the past.

Actually their various holy texts can justify their actions. And if we do agree that God is just a product of their imagination then how can we say they are violating anything?
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