ForumsWEPR[Necro] Does God exist?

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since there really s no topic on whether or not he really exists and created people i decided to make one

start debating... NOW!

  • 696 Replies
3,817 posts

the tower of babble was created to get to heaven it did not almost reach heaven and they were punished for trying to bring god down to their level or trying to reach his

So that is not something you can be punished for? Last I checked, it sounded a lot like they where about to reach them:

Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

To most people it sounds like we where actually getting along and being efficient, but your god didn't want that. So when we are trying to build a big tower into heaven and Yahweh fears we are being to efficient at it, it sounds a whole lot like heaven is in the heavens.

we are punished for the gift because we use it for the wrong reasons such as sex we are to use it for reproduction now there is abortion, contraception, and pornography which is caused by our free will but we can use our free will to say no to the twisted ways of our society or in this case change the channel insted of watching a&e

Since when are abortion, contraception, and pornography a bad thing? And are you stating that we have always used this stuff, before modern technology? And why did we get punished immediately after eating the fruit then? They just started wearing cloths, not having sex or anything. Even if sex was bad, which it isn't.

and about the animals ok fine you get that one i forgot the original arguement so until i find it you win on that stand point

So you are saying talking donkeys don't exist then?
9,462 posts

Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Even if this doesn't indicate that we were getting close it does indicate that it was possible. This would show that heaven was up in the sky. There are also references in the Noah's Ark story indicating heaven being in the sky above us.
1,482 posts

Okay I can't really address everything that's happened here so I'll just go back to the old argument. It could be a little long but I hope 314 has the time to read it.

Sorry. I forgot that reality was decided by popular backing.

No, it is not, I am just saying that if two things have, as you say, almost no proof, then the one that is more detailed and has some sort of support you can trust is the one people would more likely pick. --> Majority of religious people on Earth go with about four routes - Indigenous, Abrahemic, Hindu, and Buddhism. I'm not saying that proves any reality, but it certainly makes it more believable then whatever your talking about.

I have never heard of an atheist terrorizing because their god told them to, have you?

.. That doesn't even address my quote and what you said is obviously impossible. What I said was, God does not have to be a driving factor for someone to do anything radical for the sake of what they believe in or think.

Oh look, some religious bigotry in the form of homophobia over here

I've met a few atheists that don't support homosexuality.
Also, why is it that everything anti-gay results in homophobia?

but this god seems to hate something badly

Sorry if there are morons in the world. Removing religion will not stop this. People like those of the WBC will simply make a stupid TGB or whatever and continue on.

all powerful creator and being a better race than someone else.

What are you on about? Hitler radically morphed Christianity into a pit others didn't understand. Zealous nationalist pride for his country made him start a war, you can't just blame everything on the fact that he was raised Christian. Picking WW2 as an attack on religion is insane -- Hitler did not even attend his First Communion until the age of 15.

Many people I know do it before meals, which gives them a reminder that doesn't kill anyone.

I still win, since they probably only wash their hands, and I haven't killed anyone. You're overdoing it.

Of course we have. But without religion, we would only be fighting for those reasons, not because some bearded sky man told us to.

Not so. There is no recording of holy texts that ask people to start Wars. It is, of course, open to interpretation, but you can't honestly think that every war on Earth that has any religious backing was solely based on some legacy for God?
Have you noticed that many religious conquests have lead to the beginning of Empires, Rulers, Countries, Liberties? It is widely used as a popular excuse for getting people what they want.

Such as?

Instill a good number of literacy rates on many groups of people, spread ideas, trade, etc. Since we're on the Crusades -- I'll give you an example using it -- The wars lead to the creation of a Middle Class in Europe, a successful trading block of Merchants as the world opened up, giving way for Europe to get out of the Dark Ages, furthermore spreading old Roman and Greek knowledge of mathematics and science, along with new Islamic discoveries, and even those of the Chinese [ such as paper and gunpowder ] into pre-Renaissance Europe, effectively ending the dark ages and giving rise to many new Universities [Since, in Feudal Europe, the only place of literature was in Churches, and while the writing may have been censored, its better than nothing ]. If Religion solely just turned people into zombies, none of us would be here.

It is in the desert, can't be farmed, has no natural resources that could be used at that time, was to far away to be controlled properly, and was pretty much just a horrible place.

Excuse me, but do you have any practical understanding of world geography or economics?
Lets assume what you say is true -- I could question you with many other things.
Why is there any historic evidence of a Kingdom in Israel? This place couldn't have housed an empire that had any ability to fend itself for so long?
Why would the Romans, which, at the point, took the tribute of rice [Yes, an agricultural product], from its subjugated people, invade this 'barren' desert?
Why would there be a country on this map known as Israel today that is economically well off?

Also I noticed a teeny error when you said 'English'. It wasn't just the English. But whatever.

Israel is a region that is very well suited to sustain life, believe me. Also, lets assume that everything I said doesn't matter and it is a barren desert where people lick the sand hoping to find water [We'll even ignore the 26 rivers and the fact that it is listed as a 'Semi-Arid' climate and that one side of Jerusalem is covered with a forest]
It still borders a Sea. Seas make ports. Ports make trade. Trade that, in the course of human history, diverted trade from the Arabian Peninsula, a reason as to why later Caliphates in the Islamic empire moved their capital to Damascus, Syria.

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia about the area's climate:
Jerusalem usually receives at least one snowfall each year. Meanwhile, coastal cities, such as Tel Aviv and Haifa, have a typical Mediterranean climate with cool, rainy winters and long, hot summers.

Well they slaughtered the inhabitants, from what I remember, so no it wouldn't.

Jerusalem is not a port. The city in itself, really, does not offer that much economic hope. [Not to mention, it has no port, and funny thing is, it wasn't the first city invaded. If they were stupid religious zealots, would they not have landed and just walked straight to the city?] Yet the entire region, by all means, does.

...What are you taking about? And besides that, Allah and Yahweh are the same god, the Abrahamic god. So we would really be talking about the same god in any case.

In that sense, they are the same God. Yet when referring to scriptures such as the OT and the NT, it is helpful to know that Muslims do regard the books to be divine, they do not take their word as truth.


TBG = The Bear God? I kept thinking and that's all that I could come up with. If it is, you really have got to be more creative if you're going to try to get people to fear your religion :\\
9,462 posts

Majority of religious people on Earth go with about four routes - Indigenous, Abrahemic, Hindu, and Buddhism. I'm not saying that proves any reality, but it certainly makes it more believable then whatever your talking about.

Just because there is a majority rule doesn't mean a thing.

Sorry if there are morons in the world. Removing religion will not stop this. People like those of the WBC will simply make a stupid TGB or whatever and continue on.

It will give them one less thing to hind behind. It is also something that often helps breeds such lack of thinking as well. In fact considering religion relies on faith I would even go as far as to say it requires a certain lack of thinking to maintain.

Not so. There is no recording of holy texts that ask people to start Wars. It is, of course, open to interpretation, but you can't honestly think that every war on Earth that has any religious backing was solely based on some legacy for God?

Well actually there are points int he Bible where God has his own army going in and taking over cities. I'm also pretty sure reading something in the Koran about killing infidels wherever they are found as well.

In that sense, they are the same God. Yet when referring to scriptures such as the OT and the NT, it is helpful to know that Muslims do regard the books to be divine, they do not take their word as truth.

How can the be divine but not true?
1,482 posts

How can the be divine but not true?

Bad choice of words. Lets say... respectable but not 'unchanged' like the Quran.

Well actually there are points int he Bible where God has his own army going in and taking over cities. I'm also pretty sure reading something in the Koran about killing infidels wherever they are found as well.

Well okay. That doesn't mean he is asking us to take over any cities, he's either proving a moral point or an idea about the religion.
As for the Quran, I don't know specifically to what you referred to but I'm going to make my most educated guess.
I'm thinking the part you're thinking of is the very popular one which is 9:5 -- "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."

Its popular because it has that 'Fight and slay the infidels/pagans/non-believers wherever you find them' tidbit in it.
Except, the four versus before and after show that it is part of a small story within the entire book, regarding how there was a deal made with the Muslims for them to enter Mecca and do Hajj, and the deal was busted, and so, stuck in the middle of enemy territory and all, they went at it. Yet, it should be noted that they were also instructed to only fight those who backstabbed them on the deal, and those who continued to not let them through to Hajj.

Besides, it wouldn't even make sense seeing as non-Muslim believers enjoyed fun times when the Islamic world was at its best. Sure they had to pay a bit of a tax but that's better than being stuck as a Muslim/Jew in the Spanish inquisition.

Just because there is a majority rule doesn't mean a thing.

Yeah, but people are still more likely to believe in something if 99% of others do, too. I know it doesn't mean anything. Otherwise my belief wouldn't make much sense since there are more Christians on Earth than Muslims.
It's not much of a related argument anyway, I was just getting tired of the stupid bear thing.
3,371 posts

It will give them one less thing to hind behind. It is also something that often helps breeds such lack of thinking as well. In fact considering religion relies on faith I would even go as far as to say it requires a certain lack of thinking to maintain.

Okay, so say there was these two kids who got bullied in school and they came to a school and shot it up. Lets also say they just happen to be atheist and they used atheism as an exuse for shotting up the school. Should we take away atheism so other kids have something less to hide behide? I think it's better that we change the people to give them a better sense of morality so they'll have empathy for the people they hate and they won't do bad things. And when extreamist leaders come to power they should be put down for everyones sake. If you change the people you'll have to worry a lot less about religon affecting them, guns affecting them, bombs, war, and pretty much everything else that is used to hurt people. If you change their morals you won't have to worry that they'll hurt people like before.
3,371 posts

Besides which, explain how they could use atheism as a pretense to shoot things. "The great and meaningless dance of atoms told me to shoot them" doesn't really work as an excuse.

They would be shooting kids for beliving in God, just as a religous terrorist would shoot someone for not beliving in their God.

Irrelevant to the discussion. I believe it is based around whether or not there would be less uninstigated wars if religion didn't exist, or if people would still conquer [insert region here] for more secular reasons.

But my point is that people wouldn't have good intentions and that they'll make up something to cover for it. But the answer isn't taking away what they're hiding behide, the answer is to make sure that they never do what they intend on doing. If a psychotic killer is killing people with a gun you can take away his gun, or rehabilitate him so he won't kill at all. Taking away his gun is only a temporary solution because he'll find another way to kill.

Also I belive God exists because that's what I've grown to belive and so far my life has been fine. I have no need to change my belifes and I like them. I also don't belive he directly created people, but maybe indirctly. Like starting off the process.
24 posts

Of course god exist he made us and there is bible proofs in the bible read psalms 23:1

8,256 posts

@dair5 I think you're not entirely wrong, yet religion is a matter that, since being subjective and basicly only about belief, is something that can lead much easier to extremism, or can be manipulated much easier, than most other things. Sure, a reasonable guy is less prone to falling into this trap.. but what can we do? Either leave religions behind, or educate everyone. While the second option would be great in every aspect, do you think it's easier to do?

Of course god exist he made us and there is bible proofs in the bible read psalms 23:1

The bible is a self-contradicting story book that has been written by a few dudes more than a millenium ago. You're welcome to believe it if you want (might as well believe in what is in the Silmarillion), but it is no reliable proof for anything.
3,371 posts

@dair5 I think you're not entirely wrong, yet religion is a matter that, since being subjective and basicly only about belief, is something that can lead much easier to extremism, or can be manipulated much easier, than most other things. Sure, a reasonable guy is less prone to falling into this trap.. but what can we do? Either leave religions behind, or educate everyone. While the second option would be great in every aspect, do you think it's easier to do?

Yeah, you're right. The 1st is a lot easier. Also about the easier to manipulate part too. The idea of educating everyone is too much to hope for. Although abolishing religon from every country would be easy. People really like to hold on to their God. Myself included. To do so you would probably have to put that into the minds of the next generations.
3,371 posts

Sorry for the double post. I meant wouldn't be easy. Abolishing religon would be hard. Most people would like to belive their God exists.

8,256 posts

Yeah sure, global secularism won't happen anytime soon (wasn't there even a whole thread dealing with that?), and I'm actually not even sure if it's really so much easier than educating everyone.. well, time might tell^^

5,552 posts

Lets also say they just happen to be atheist and they used atheism as an exuse for shotting up the school. Should we take away atheism so other kids have something less to hide behide?

Lawl, this made me laugh. Let's say I use that i'm white for being an excuse. Atheism isn't a group, belief, or organization. It claims nothing. It doesn't hold to any standards. It is simply a person having a lack of a belief in a deity. Using Atheism as an excuse holds as much water as saying a bannana told you so.

Of course god exist he made us and there is bible proofs in the bible read psalms 23:1

You can't use the object in question as evidence for itself.
1,482 posts

Using Atheism as an excuse holds as much water as saying a bannana told you so.

Not that it's that good of a side to support, but it could be possible that said Atheist felt that the other kid was so stupid for believing in a religion he decided that it would be better for everyone if he rid that kid from the face of humanity. Though I doubt it would happen a lot

old guy with a beard in space

Neither do I. In Islam, God is a formless being. I don't know where the whole sky thing comes from. I thought it was the same in Christianity but I suppose it was wrong.
As for him being within yourself, that sounds a little flippy to me. I mean, wouldn't everyone's God be different? Idk if that's what you were getting at.
9,462 posts

Not that it's that good of a side to support, but it could be possible that said Atheist felt that the other kid was so stupid for believing in a religion he decided that it would be better for everyone if he rid that kid from the face of humanity. Though I doubt it would happen a lot

If you kill 'em they don't learn nothin'. :P

Anyway Kasic pretty much said what I was going to say. There isn't any doctrine that can be pointed to that the person said "this is what told me I should do it."

I don't know where the whole sky thing comes from.

There are a number of references in the Bible of heaven being in the sky. I might be wrong on this, but at least in the OT heaven and sky were completely interchangeable words.

Of course god exist he made us and there is bible proofs in the bible read psalms 23:1

No the Bible is not proof, that the claim you have to prove.
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