Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
*Points a finger at fractalman* Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! *Fires six thin yellow beams of light that hit him in the midsection, preventing him from moving any of his body and body parts* *Takes out Senbonzakura* Bankai! *Drops it into the ground blade first* *Two rows of a Thousand Blades come out of the ground* Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi! *All the blades turn into small pink glowing blade fragments* *Sends it to shred fractalman*
if im stupied, could you take the liberty to send me to a collage then? BECAUSE GIVE ME LIERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH(spelled liberty wrong on purpose for obvious reasons)
it seems darkfire hates fractalman... anyway, DarthNerd, i find schools very pointless. i find learning practical skills much better, so no, i'm not sending you to a collage. just deal with it.
@sonicheroes95: you cannot summon a kitsune since you already have a Zapdos. You do successfully bury Darthnerd though.
@DarthNerd: years of being pounded into the sand by bullies has paid off, and you successfully dig yourself out.
@Darkfire45: Unfortunately, he has the sense to dodge that repeated attacks give a person, and dodges the beams. However, being an old wizard, he doesn't quite miss all of the pink death mist and takes 500 damage.
@Razerules: you shoot the bazooka rounds at the enemies! However, they seem to move kinda slow and will hit NEXT turn.
@kingjac11: You fire on fractalman, but he's a little more limbered up now and dodges!
CURSE YOU SONIC! *mental note, next time when interacting directly with sonic, carry nuclear bomb wired to my vital signs* lets see...stranded in the middle of a desert...hmmmm...AH! shovel my way to china, not like i have anything better to do. I pray for a shovel and start digging down into the hole i was stuck in.