Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
The wolves explode on contact with the ice, the first tier take the hit to make room for the rest, I increase the magnitude of the explosions, so even if he does manage to freeze them he is stil caught in the blast radius, and these wolves are ging after all enemies.
When I said mithril-admanant, I meant mithril XOR adamant, on the runescape scale. "animated armor" doesn't have to actually be alive, it just has to move...but on to my attack...
my latest expirimental spell turns out to be one that flings a pie at the enemy.... a poisonous pie, to be precise.
Objective: Defeat sonicheroes95! sonicheroes95: 7,700 HP GhostSauce: 8,000 HP fractalman: 8,000 HP(ARMOR: 4000/4000 HP) Red-Eyes Black Dragon: 3000 HP Statuses:Team KLC-Hypersonic(Small ACCdown 21 turns) Zone: Ground Damaged: yako242 Critical: DBLACKSTAR, ThorRatFox Dead: Probationary Abyss: Bananabyss: spartandestroyer Vegetative: Team Sonic: GhostSauce(U), fractalman(U), DBLACKSTAR, ThorRatFox, sev322(?) KLC's Generals: CommanderDude7: 7,500 HP Darkfire45:: 5,000 HP Razerules: 8,000 HP Serperior: 300 HP
@SonicHeroes96: You end up slashing CommanderDude7 due to Twin Power's reaction with the broken stability, dealing 500 damage!
@CommanderDude7: Unfortunately, you just can't get good clouds in this cave.
@kingjac11: Unfortunately, we're using MTG rules for some reason and he can't attack yet!
@sonicheores95: You switch places and equipment with him! Now you have a magic duel disk and he has an energy sword!
@DBLACKSTAR: Unfortunately, the power becomes too hard to keep up and the wolves start diffusing instead of exploding! However, the bites all still do 1000 HP to all enemies.
@ThorRatFox: Unfortunately, you have run out of plain heals. Now you need to do something special.
@fractalman: The pie gains DESPERATION POISON and it averages your health with the highest, HP'd enemy! In this case, it would be Razerules. you are now out of DESPERATION POISON!
@GhostSauce: I know! It's just so fun!
Unfortunately, Cyber Nanny Dog is preventing me from seeing that image.
You heal fractalman to 8000, but the DP channel heals Razerules to 8000 as well!
I Use a Combine Jutsu and combine me,Darkfire and serperior!
We all have the same amount of arms. I control 2 arms while the others control the other arms. We also have 3 heads! This would also increase our health a lot but not that much.Maybe back to 20.000???