Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
great... i get out of the motorcycle (go ahead and use it if you want) ,use speed break to go ahead, and use blue tornado to get obstacles out of the way.
With the already ample speed, you push on to the battlefield! There are several battles starting already, but you must set up camp... I will post again when it is done (and when I write the next info box).
Objective: Blaze through the armies! Current Army: Starcraft Terran Fleet Total strength: 2000/2000 Units: Wraiths: A flying scout ship that can cloak. Banshees: An anti-ground airship that can also cloak Battlecruisers: Giant warships with huge cannons and destructive missile batteries. Vikings: Air/Ground vessels that can morph from air to ground.