If it's a dollar bill, then it would be a million dollar bill.
If not, I'll get another dollar, go to the bank, and trade those two dollars for a two dollar bill (which is legal, I have real two dollar bills from the bank), then sell the two dollar bill for a hundred dollar bills, then get 50 two dollar bills, then sell, then trade, sell....
Nextly he never said you oculd just magically get another dolalr. And banks dont give out 2 dollar bills. they dont circulate them any more, though they are legal currency. And $2 dollar bills are worth, two dollars. Not 100
I would buy, a drink. Then sell said drink to someone for two dollars (people aer stupid).
One of my friends from school did this very effectively. He would buy a four pack of Monster for 6 dollars, and then turn around and sell them at lunch time for 3 dollars a piece.
As for what I would do with a dollar... I would probably buy a candy bar with it, or put it in my wallet with my other 15-20 one dollar bills and 'make it rain'
Selling of drinks is an easy way to make money. Of course I would only start off with like a bottle of pepsi or sometihng, and work up. But it is a start.
Best "make it rain" thing ever, a frined of mine bought a camero for three thousand dollars. He had it all in twentys or less. Took a video of him taking a money shower. Sent it to every one. It was great.
My friend bugged my other friend into giving him money for a drink, so my second friend gave him five bucks. Then my first friend spent it on a drink. However the five dollar bill had looked wierd, so he googled it. Turns out that that one five dollar bill was worth $165.00 my freinds were pissed.