Name: Gorebane Age: 32 Class:starting Fighter Weapons:Gladius Armor:large round wooden Shield Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: Rage. Perk: vetran warrior-ability to fight with any average form of combat equitment. Bio; once a great soilder in the roman army, he has fought in many battles, after at one time for being a gaulish warrior.
you wake up a free man! it's your first day back at the arena after receiving your rudis (wooden sword symbolizing your freedom) you should head to the arena
" DID YOU HEAR THAT? FREEDOM! you won't die, there is a hope! now come on, snap out of it and FIGHT!FIGHT for everything you love, everyone you care for!"
"Kill him already! It's for your freedom you coward, you have the weapon and all he has is a shield! Feint, sidestep, slash past shield and you'll have it!"
ah wtf that was an inspirational speech * sob sob*
" NO, NO!" the guilt overcomes meh as i seez em stabbed. i has gulty conscience :/ . * looks over at other gladiator* " this isn't the end, worm." slams fist, then notices the 3 guards???
Name: Caius Decimus Age: 18 Class: Dimachaerus[amateur fighter] Money: little x1 Weapons: 2 Sica Armor: Greaves[Thick Leather, Right Side], Galerus[Bronze, Right Side], Manica[Right Side, Leather], Helmet[Large, Leather] Allies: None Enemies: Health: 100/100 Condition: Healthy,love of crowd Perk: Combat Training[Higher aptitude with all forms of combat equipment],shoulder shield Bio: Born into a family of famous soldiers, Caius Decimus(Caius the Tenth, named after his father, his father before him, his father before him, etc.) was put under enormous pressure and discipline even as a child. Raised under a sword, he showed unerring discipline and skill. However, as he grew older and less susceptible to the brainwashing his family and teachers fed him, he grew less the perfect warrior and son and more of a weakling. His skills did not decrease, but he was seen as a failure due to the mercy he preferred to show his enemies as he grew older, and the idealism he viewed the world with. He was warned it would kill him someday, but did not listen. Finally, at the age of 18, he was cast out and disowned. So instead of following the proud tradition of his family(becoming a soldier) and became a gladiator instead. It was the only choice left to him.
I'll go help the prisoner then...not because I like him, because the mayor should be true to his word.