Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
you stab the first and kill him, but the other two have an armor of leather and some metal, wooden bucklers and gladii
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
come on thats the lazy way out gotta show some thought in your move
also j00r invited to heroes of ebron, World of Tanks, and New Vegas RPG
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
ok. I ***** the situation. look for a weak point. "erhaps if you have left you would have left your lives but, now it is to late" I sprint towards If they attempt a counter attack i block with my shield push weapon and and stab them with my lance
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
you charge, they go for a stab you block and blindly stab at one, you pull back to see a small gash in his buckler
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
yea its a sheild basically
I sprint one more and block their counter attack but, this time i stab his foot
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
buckler, not much bigger than a small dinner plate
you go after his foot but it when you hit it is rendered to a small bruise from the heavy padding and boot
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
I prepare myself for another attack. I charge one of the men and ram him with my shield and the other I attempt to trip him
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
you ram him, but yours is not much larger than his so it doesn't leave a lasting effect and as you attempt to trip him he whacks you in the face with a shield sending a spurt of blood in the air and you stumbling back
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:100/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
Spin on my heels try to contemplate my self. I look around not only for a weak spot but, what around me
Name: William Age: 35 Large money: 0 Medium money: 1 Small money 3 Class: Galli Weapons:Lance Armor:Small wood shield, small helmet Allies: Health:98/100 Conditions: physically built Perk: above average strength Bio: once was a prince of abundante (in spain) and trained by best generals one of the many his father. He was also, admired by the many people but, was mainly prone to his studies of tactical warfare. then as the Romans attacked saw his father held with a sword to his throat he asked for his dads and kingdoms freedom and he will give himself to the Roman empire. Ever since looked down upon by romans but, looked up on by his kingdom
\\your not gonna the "weak spot" outa me
you look around and see the remaining people fleeing a few markets of various goods and a small wooden cart