i researched some stuff and that's all a really know as3 is acionscrip 3, as2 acionscrip 2 as3/as2 is some language thing? cs5 is creative (don't know word in between)5 it has some thing to do with creating the games i think i don't exactly know since i am still clear room in my computer just to download the 30 day trial i don't have any how i would use it once it's downloaded. but i guess i would just mess with it for 20 minutes then look at some tutorial to get a real idea what to do.
if any has any idea how i should start please tell me.
You'll need to learn about symbols/movieclips, using the library, instance names, the actionscript editor, the timeline and all the other tools involved in creating Flash products. Once your're well versed in Flashs integrated tools THEN you can worry about learning how to program with Actionscript.
There a hundreds of tutorials all over the web, as well as right in this forum. If you want somewhere to start, look in to variables, functions and hitTests.