I am a professional graphic designer who is looking for a flash game consultant. Specifically I need someone to consult me on setting up a simple point-and-click interface for a Flash game. I have a strong background in Flash as an asset-creator and animator, but need the structure background information to complete my project. I have a general knowledge of AS3, but do not consider myself a programmer.
The topics we would cover in our meeting would include general game/file structure and simple implications of AS3. I'm guessing we would meet for roughly 3-4 hours.
If you are interested please send an email with a brief bio about yourself, portfolio link, and your hourly consulting rate.
PS I may do more of these type of projects in the future, so there is a possibility of scheduling more than one session with the consultant.
25wes25, I think he (or she, if the profile is correct) is looking for an actual programmer for advice. There's a lot of knowledge that googling can't always find.