I'm almost 15, but that doesn't make me weak, I have made many games, but I out them up on Kongregate. But I don't like Kongregate. I want to make games for AG and only for AG! I uploaded a game on here but it wasn't accepted I have no idea why, it does not contain any 13+ content. So maybe if I become an official Developer?
Yes there is something wrong with borrowing code since your just stealing it. Even if you just look at it and then program your still stealing the idea. Unless you code yourself or have permission to use the code then your stealing it.
Theres nothing wrong with borrowing code...right!?
Well...legally I don't think it would be a problem. I mean, it's not like you can copyright code or anything. If you stole an entire game concept, then that might be problematic.
It's still a major no no is you take someone else's code without permission. Also stealing code and shoving into your game isn't programming and AG most likely won't take the game.
There is, however a Religious event which may have caused the game to get rejected. In the middle of the game, when you find a certain relic, it says that the relic is guarded by the holy spirits, you can either defy them and go to hell, or not. But I don't think that will offend anyone.
That won't matter there's this other game which is some thing like u have lots of people and you make them jump off a cliff and I remember some reference to jesus there(it was on AG).
and no it doesn't go with ag's standards, the artwork needs to be improved, sound. spelling: incounter = encounter
Perhaps a sponsorship would be more like what you are seeking, Idk what it takes but there are ways to contact people in AG but they are probably busy so give it sometime. As for what they look for in games perhaps playing some of the more popular/newer games they have before asking.
I think it's very nice (AG has worst games) try to make better writings and add a soundtrack and they will accept it (i hope). oh I don't think they'll pay you until you're 18 but it's a good start.
I like it, but you might want to make the graphics a bit better or find an artist, and and music and SFX!! The music part is probably why it did not get accepted, if you look, every game on AG has music. Besides that, it is pretty good. =)