This is a new game called "Get above the Building". You have to Get to the top of a building, but how? What will you do? Will you make it? Will you? It's your idea that makes you live.
Do whatever you want! But I will reply to your responses. Don't put "I climbed the building and survived." I choose what happens to you, if you survive or not. But here's a good example: "I got a rocket and flew above the building" But I might say, "You got the rocket, but blew up." But you'll never know.
Get to it! Oh, and don't reply "I got a rocket and flew above the building" other wise it won't work.
chaos control then i use chaos blast on you and then i win a again and ug5151 chaos control slows down time and makes you go faster yea. and chaos blast which i think its called, is well a blast of energy an kills you
i think i won again i don't really now but yay for now.