This is a new game called "Get above the Building". You have to Get to the top of a building, but how? What will you do? Will you make it? Will you? It's your idea that makes you live.
Do whatever you want! But I will reply to your responses. Don't put "I climbed the building and survived." I choose what happens to you, if you survive or not. But here's a good example: "I got a rocket and flew above the building" But I might say, "You got the rocket, but blew up." But you'll never know.
Get to it! Oh, and don't reply "I got a rocket and flew above the building" other wise it won't work.
Hey guys, I know it has been a while since this game has been statised and I'm sorry. Anyways, Since this is my most popular game, everyone of you people win this round. But now you can't use ANY of these things that people said until round 7.
MrNuke -- You got pretty close, but you missed and the grappling hook, and you, went into the water >_>
UPDATES: Update 1: If someone wins a round, this will go around there name {exampleWinner} Update 2: If a mod or admin post on this, then the next person who post, will win. Update 3: If I am taking a break, this will appear on my responses, 'BREAK!!!' Update 4: