ForumsGame WalkthroughsMorbid 2 Walkthrough

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Seeing as there is no morbid 2 walkthrough, I think i'll make a guide.

1. click bookcase, reveals passageway.
2. Go forward 4 times, then go left to monastery.
3. Talk to monk, then go into the monastery
4. Once inside the building, go to right. Then click on coffin. Pick up key.
Return to main hall of monastery. Now go to the left.
5. Use key on door. Go in.
6. Use ladder to reach next floor. pick up ax. Then click on right window. pick up coin
7. Leave the monastery and go back to the path. Go to the right that was at the same scene as the left to the monastery.
8. click on alleyway to right. Give man coin, take dog.
9. Go back to town, go forward to spider web. Use ax on spider web
10. Go back to main path and go forward. Go tho the right, then forward two times.
11. Click on the very left to reach dead drummer; take drum.
12. Go back and continue forward to fork in the road. Go left to the witch's house
13. Talk to witch, get ingredient list for cure. Also, take drumstick from far right wall.
14. Go back to fork head forward until you reach a tree. Take crabapple from far right tree branch.
15. Click to the left of the big tree. Go forward till you reach the monster.
16. Use drumstick on drum as many times as needed until monster disappears.
17. Go forward, take horn from rhino.
18. Return to main path, go forward. click on the gallows. then use the dog next to the left post to get mandrake
19. head back to the witch's house and give her the horn, mandrake, and crabapple. take cure
19. Go back to monastery and give the monk the cure. He will give you a key.
20. Go into monastery again and go to the left. This time, go through the doorway instead of using the ladder. Go through the next doorway.
21. Use key on door and go in.
22. head back out. talk to the vampire who is now standing beside the door.
23. after conversation, use spider web on vampire. enjoy ending.

I hope I wasn't to confused. If you have questions about this, just ask.

  • 3 Replies
1,946 posts

Perhaps I should, and it would probably be easier for me since I'm much more familiar with that game (its been out on Pastel Games for at least a year).

1,946 posts

If you haven't noticed quite yet (not trying to sound mean if I do), I did post one around 6:30-ish. I think it was actually harder to make a walkthrough with that one because of the spots that he made almost impossible to find.

1,946 posts

Yes, your right. Sometimes, when I'm trying to got through something quickly, I mix up directions.

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