i just need something easy to use, i have an acer aspire 1 notebook, i just want to make small minigames, platform with interactions, but cant find a good program, since i dont know codes yet, im taking a class on flash animation, but would still like to know a little before i take the class, i've been looking for awhile and came up with nothing, if no has anything it ok, ill get something from school, just thought i'd ask
and btw i posted this in the flash game section, so if anyone knows how to get rid f that one that would be on less post to fade into history... THNX!
also i make no money, so it would help if it was free, if you give me a name of one that costs, i might look into getting it elsewhere, but frees best,thnx
In order to make flash games you have to have Adobe Flash, and it's expensive. I hear that gamemaker is free software, or can be obtained free, but it is nowhere on par with Adobe.
No, you don't NEED CS4. FlashDevelop has all you need to create a flash game. And yes, you definitely need ActionScript, more specifically ActionScript 3.